67 | he's such a drama queen

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S2 E24

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S2 E24

damage case

"WHAT DID YOU SAY to him?" Izzie asks Meredith, standing in the bathroom while flossing.

"Nothing. I fled the scene." Meredith, who was using a plucker replied.

"You didn't tell him about George or Derek?" Maddison asks, using a nail filer.

"No." Meredith replies.

"Hmm. You like him." Izzie notes, sitting down on the tub.

"I could like him." Meredith tells them.

"Is the sex any good?" Maddison asks.

"I don't know." Meredith says.

"Four dates and two sleepovers at his place and no sex?" Maddison looks up at her.

"Not even a kiss good night." Meredith replies.

"Oh, I am proud. I am like a proud mama." Izzie laughs.

"Shut up." Meredith smiles.

"Well, I'm not proud." Maddison tells her, and Meredith turns to her. "No sex?"

"It's okay to go slow sometimes." Meredith says.

"Yeah, tell me when you wait to do it for 3 months and then you have to finish it yourself after coming back home." Maddison grumbles, as the two girls give her a look.

"Liam's still mad?" Meredith asks.

"You know, so what if I said yes the first time?" Maddison huffs. "I corrected myself almost immediately." The two girls look amused, making Maddison roll her eyes. "He's such a drama queen."

Just then an almost naked Callie enters the bathroom in just her underwear.

"Morning." She tells the three, who freeze from shock, as Callie pees and leaves.

"Oh, my God. Did that just happen?" Meredith turns to the two in disbelief.

"Holy shit." Maddison nods. "Her boobs are amazing."

"I'm having a seizure. I am clearly mid-seizure. I'm seizing." Izzie laughs.

"Oh, my God." Meredith lets out.

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