21. Where the Camellias Bloom

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Year: 125 AC

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Year: 125 AC


"Rumour had it that you have been quite ill recently, princess. Are you feeling better now?"

Daenys had finally gotten a chance to invite Lady Cassandra Baratheon over for tea, and now they sat in one of the balconies overlooking the training yard, the sunlight streaming down on them pleasantly. 

"Thank you for your concern, Lady Cassandra. It's nothing to worry about now. I'm perfectly fine, and I'm delighted to be sharing tea with you today."

Cassandra let out a sigh of relief, her worry transforming into a radiant smile, "It gladdens me to hear that. It would have been quite unfortunate if my time here in King's Landing was over before I had the chance to see you again."

"Oh yes, it was wonderful to hear that you extended your stay here!" Daenys leaned back and sipped her tea, cradling the warm cup in her hands as she watched her new friend. 

"My father had some business to attend to in King's Landing so I suppose I'll be here for a while."

"That's quite kind of Lord Baratheon. I'm grateful for your company, and I'm happy that your father's business allowed you to stay."

What Cassandra Baratheon did not tell the princess was that although her father had business to attend to, he had insisted that she return to Storm's End on her own, and Cassandra, after much insisting and convincing, begged him to allow her to stay behind as well. Cassandra Baratheon was an ambitious woman who had the unfortunate luck of being born Boros Baratheon's daughter. She knew that her father's rule would not pass to her, not in the traditional sense, and so she would have to carve out a place for herself. It kindled within her a fierce ambition and after her encounter with Daenys during her name-day feast,  she recognized the value of her proximity to the future heir to the Iron Throne.

The sun's rays cast intricate patterns of light and shadow on the tabletop. Cassandra took another sip of her tea and considered her circumstances. It had been remarkably easy to befriend Daenys. The princess's vivacious nature had made the task less of a chore and more of a pleasure. Cassandra admired her new friend's qualities, but she also saw them as assets that would prove useful in the future. Over the course of their tea-time conversation, they had become good friends and it was one Cassandra intended to leverage to its fullest extent.

There was a comfortable pause in their conversation that allowed both girls to savour their refreshments and take in the view of the bustling Red Keep. Cassandra's eyes were drawn to the training yard below, where a fierce sparring match was in progress.

The silver-haired, second prince who had interrupted their very first conversation, was engaged in a lively duel with a brunette knight. Their swords clashed and sparks flew, creating a mesmerizing display of skill and strength. The courtyard resounded with the clanging of steel and the cheers of the onlookers. Cassandra watched them curiously for a few moments, admiring the agility the movements required. She had never been one for sparring, and her parents had not deemed it a necessary skill for their daughters. Still, she enjoyed watching the spectacle. Then her eyes slid to the Targaryen princess seated across from her, who was as it seemed paying even closer attention to the match below.

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