25. Somewhere Between Love and Remorse

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Year: 129 AC

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Year: 129 AC


As the door closed behind them, the air within Daenys's chambers felt heavy with unspoken tension. Rhaenyra, having followed her daughter after their discussion with the king, observed her closely, her eyes searching for any hint of the chaos she sensed beneath the facade of a forced smile.

"Are you alright, my dear?" Rhaenyra's voice carried concern, soft and laced with the warmth of a mother's care. She reached out gently, attempting to place a comforting hand on Daenys's shoulder.

Daenys, however, flinched away, her movements rigid and abrupt. "I'm fine, Mother," she replied tersely, her voice strained as she turned away, avoiding her mother's gaze.

The Princess's heart sank at the sight of her daughter's obvious distress. Despite her attempt to hide her emotions, the clenched fists and the unsteady rise and fall of her chest betrayed her inner turmoil. Rhaenyra's instincts refused to accept the facade.

"I know something's wrong. You do not have to lie to me."

"I am not lying...Mother. I just, need to be alone. This...all of this has just been a lot. I need a moment."

"Yes, but you do not have to carry this burden alone. Whatever troubles you, I'm here to listen, to help," Rhaenyra implored softly, her voice pleading.

Daenys's facade cracked, her composure faltering as tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over. "You wouldn't understand," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper, a tremor betraying her hopeless attempt to maintain control.

"Daenys, please, I may not understand everything, but I'm your mother. I can try, but I cannot help you if you do not tell me what is wrong."

But Daenys's pent-up emotions erupted in a burst of frustration. Whirling around to face her mother, her eyes filled with tears that streamed down her cheeks, she lashed out in anguish. "You have no right to ask if I'm alright, to ask what is wrong!" Her voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt. "You've always been so focused on your own struggles, on your ambitions, that you never truly see what I go through. You don't know what it's like to feel like you're drowning in expectations!"

"You are not heir to the throne anymore, I-I thought this was what you wanted? I thought you would be happy. You even said-"

"That's not-that's not what this is about! No, I am not happy. Gods, do you know what it's been like for me, all these years? Do you know what kind of guilt I've had to live with?"

Rhaenyra's brows furrowed, "Guilt? What guilt? I'm not sure I understand."

"See, I told you that you wouldn't understand!"

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