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Pov Shumaila

I definitely felt out of place, surrounded by all these rich people, I felt uncomfortable, not to mention that they were all married couples, and I was the only one without her husband.

"I have a company to look after, being ceo doesn't come with optional responsibilities, I don't have time for your nonsense."

I could still hear Uzair's voice in my ears, we were going to organize a small reception for Mr and Mrs Jalees' 30th wedding anniversary, and for this event, we had planned to go shopping for clothes all together except that Zumaira had had the idea that it was the husbands who should come and choose the outfit and buy it with their own money for their wives, and I knew in advance that Uzair wasn't going to agree at all.

It must be said that since my last statement, when I clearly told him that his motivation for wanting to hate me was no longer very credible, and that what's more, I was going to make sure I got him back as the best friend he used to be, he was even more irritated by my mere presence, even though somewhere along the line, I could see that he had changed, he was taking care of me in secret, like instructing Bano to make me eat properly, change the bandage around my head and make me take my medicine on time.

I was so happy when I overheard him giving his orders to Bano, it's a good thing I'd got up that evening to fetch myself a glass of water, otherwise I'd never have known, even Bano had a smile on her face as she listened to his words.

"Miss, what about this one, is it pretty good ?" the saleswoman asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I was currently in a famous shopping mall, choosing a saree for the reception, but what I didn't know was how expensive it was.

I watched from a distance as Zumaira looked at Arwais' choice of saree, they were cute, Mrs Jalees with her husband had left us in the middle of the journey, Mrs Jalees preferred another store, and maybe I should have followed her, it would have been cheaper.

I looked at the navy blue saree she was holding, it was beautiful but not to my taste, but I checked the price.

YA ALLAH ! can there be such an extraordinary price for a saree ? I'm sure if I were drinking water right now, I'd be choking on it.

"Mmhh it's not bad, but I think I'll stop here, I'll think a bit" I warn him.

She simply nodded, and I felt bad as I watched her fold all the sarees I'd made her unfold, it must be said that she'd tried to convince me several times, but each time it cost more than my kidney.

I walked away, joining Zumaira who had finally chosen a pretty silver-grey saree with a black border.

She finally noticed I was there and Arwais went off to pay. "So you found what you needed ?" she asked me, overexcited.

I let a little laugh escape me, she looked like a little child but I shook my head, negatively.

"Why don't you like anything here ? We can go to another shop" she said straight away, but I stopped.

"No, it's not that, I've already got the perfect saree at home, so there's no need to buy any" I lied to her.

I hoped I was credible, and I clutched Uzair's credit card in my hand tightly, he'd given it to me, telling me to buy a saree myself but how could I use it when I was the one who'd earned the money ? I didn't like the feeling of using it or feeling like I was stealing his money.

"Are you sure?" Zumaira asked me hesitantly.

I shook my head, smiling positively.

"Yes, what's more, I've seen a few sarees, and they're no better than the one I have at home," I said confidently.

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