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~love actually ~
December 6

I lean back in my seat, forcing my eyes open. The lights have been turned off and the plane has gone silent. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Julius sleeping on his back, softly snoring with his mouth wide open.

I rub my eyes for 500th time in the last 10 minutes, desperately trying to stay awake. I am not allowing the jetlag to get to me, no matter how tired I am. We're officially 2 hours into the 6 hour journey, the night having fallen outside.

A deep yawn escapes my mouth, as I try to focus on love actually which is playing on the little tv screen in front of me. A smile forms on my lips. I can't wait for Christmas. The month of december is the highlight of my whole year. 

"Christmas movies huh?" A voice suddenly chimes in startling me. I look up to find Charles leaning against the seat besides me. His voice is so raspy, I barely even noticed it was him.

"It's november so I'm practically allowed to" I respond, my voice turning flat, as I hold in yet another yawn. I don't think I've ever been this tired. Charles slightly shakes his head at me, his lips forming into a smile, his dimples coming through.

"Practically?" Charles repeats with a laugh, sliding into the seat next to mine. "What are you even watching?"He asks, leaning in towards me to fully see the screen. I turn him head at him in disbelief.

"Oh come on, everyone knows Love actually!" I reply, my eyes locking with Charles's green eyes that light up from the screen. But apparently not everybody knows it, because Charles continues to stare at me with a clueless expression. 

"I've never even heard of it" Charles truthfully answers, laughing as he looks at me. For the second time today my mouth hangs open. How can you be 26 years old and have never heard of Love acutally?

"Please tell me you're joking" I reply, following Charles's eyes to the screen, where Hugh Grant appears. Charles shakes his head, not taking his eyes off the screen. As always when Charles is anywhere near me, my cheeks warm up as I notice the distance between us.

Our faces are inches apart, Charles leaning in further to watch the movie. "What is it about?" Charles asks me, suddenly completely engrossed in the movie. I chuckle, looking at him.

"It centers around different couples- " I start to explain, but stop myself, realising how complicated it is to explain. "It's actually easier to just watch it, I can start it forwards" I tell Charles, pressing pause on the movie.

"Oh nono, you don't have to do that" Charles answers, but he's horrible at lying. "But can I watch it with you?" He asks, adjusting himself in the seat. He's going to be so confused.

"Of course" I reply, passing one of my earbuds to him. He smiles at me, putting in the headphone as I press play. Within 5 minutes into the movie, Charles is squinting is eyes, and it's clear he doesn't understand a single thing.

"How are you not tired?" I ask him, knowing he isn't paying attention to the movie anyway. I'm struggling to keep myself awake, and here he is bright awake even though he's watching a movie that makes no sense to him.

"I have my own little tricks against jetlag" He replies, crossing his arms across his chest, leaning back into the chair.

"Please give me some of those, I'm currently dying" I say, my vision becoming blurry as my eyelids become incredibly heavy.

"My tip for you would be to sleep now. No matter what you're gonna end up getting hit by jetlag anyway" Charles tells me, his voice turning softer and significantly quieter. I immediately take Charles's tip, finally letting myself close my eyes.

Charles's warm fingers brush against my forehead, as he moves a strand of hair out of my face. A smile spreads across my lips. "You should watch the movie from the start, I think you'll enjoy it" I tell him, barely managing to get the words out, my voice turning into a whisper.

Losing all control of my body, my head falls onto Charles's shoulder. Too tired to lift my head again, I rest my head on his shoulder.

Within seconds I'm fast asleep. At some point I feel something warm being laid over me...


Sharp light shines into my eyes, forcing me to wake up. I cover the sunlight with my hand, squinting my eyes open.

How long have I slept for?

I lift my head from Charles's shoulder. Wait. Oh god I slept on his shoulder the whole night. How do I always manage to keep embarrassing myself like this..?!

Charles softly snores, leaned back in his seat. I look down in my lap to see a hoodie spread across my legs.

I pick up the hoodie, trying to figure out who it belongs to. A smile appears in my lips, as I notice a Ferrari logo on the sleeve.

"I couldn't get you a blanket, so you got the next best thing" Charles says, once again startling me. My cheeks warm up as I hear his voice.

He has a very prominent morning voice.

"Oh thank you" I reply, rubbing my eyes in an attempt to wake up. We must be landing soon...

"I liked the movie" Charles mumbles besides me, his voice so raspy it's barely hearable. "What?" I ask, not quite picking up on what he said.

"Love actually, it was a good movie" Charles responds, shining his dimples at me, like he know it's my weak point.

A grin grows on my mouth. He actually watched the movie.

Behind Charles, Julius is still sleeping in the exact position as multiple hours ago. I'm already scared of the amount of energy he's going to have.

"Oh and just so you know," Charles begins, grabbing my attention again. He has the hood of his hoodie over his head, the messy brown hair sticking out at the front.

"You snore, like a lot" Charles tells me, his eyes still not properly open. And once again I've managed to embarrass myself.

"I do not!" I quickly defend myself, but the smile on my lips expose me. Even I know how bad it is...

"Oh yes you do!" Charles says with laugh that makes my stomach flutter.

I can already tell this weekend is going to amazing.

Sorry about the short chapter<3

Fun fact, I haven't watched Love actually since I was a child, so I know NOTHING about the movie... So it was probably quite stupid to center a whole chapter about it ahah

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