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~Everything is going to be okay~
December 11

"Here's your suitcase miss" A sweet flight attendant tells me, handing the suitcase to me. I've still not gotten used to this kind of luxury.

I thank her, accepting the suitcase as I put in my AirPods. I just flew in first class. They even gave me champagne!?

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, blasts through my AirPods, as I walk down the plane aisle.

Flight attendants smile at me, moving out of the way like I'm some kind of royalty. I walk out of the massive plane door, immediately getting hit in the face by an ice cold gush of wind. The Brazilian genes in me are really not enjoying this.

As I begin to walk down the stairs, the cold weather already killing me, a white little sparkle falls from the sky, landing on my nose.

I continue walking down the stairs in confusion until.. Oh my god. I can hardly believe my eyes, as sparkling, white snowflakes suddenly erupt from the sky.

I audibly gasp, a grin spreading across my lips, as I speed down the flight stairs. Of course I expected for it snow when we're going on a skiing trip, but I didn't prepare myself for it to fall this early.


Almost the second I step out onto the parking lot, I spot Charles standing not far away from the small airport.

A grin is still lingering on my lips, I practically run towards Charles, the snow crunching under my feet. Here I am, a 21 year old woman, getting thrilled over snow like I'm a literal child, but I couldn't care less.

I can see Charles laughing at me, as I run towards him with an ear to ear grin. "It's snowing!!" I shout at him, my usual brown hair now coated white in snow.

"Yes, it always does that here!" Charles yells, smiling at me, his dimples out on full force. He stands in front of a black Range Rover, wearing a red jacket along with a black beanie.

I almost crash straight into him, the slippery snow making my shoes slide across the ground. Charles quickly grabs my wrist, keeping me from falling.

I immediately notice he's only using one arm. It's still broken. My heart aches for him. He's looked so forward to this trip, to finally get a break, and then he can't even properly enjoy it.

"God Carolina, you're going to freeze in that!" Charles exclaims, eyeing down my sweatpants and hoodie. Wait until he notices that I'm wearing sneakers...

"I literally don't own warm clothes, this was the best option I had" I reply, a smile plastered onto my lips from just being near Charles. He shakes his head at me, slightly laughing as he opens the trunk of the car.

Without any struggle, he picks up my suitcase with one arm, placing it down in the trunk. Charles looks through a bag, putting away multiple things before he finally smiles up at me.

He pulls out a white beanie, that matches his. With a smile he puts the beanie on my head, slightly struggling to get it over my head with only one hand.

His fingers gently graze along my cheek, as he softly puts out the front pieces of my hair. My whole body stiffens from the simple touch, my cheeks warming despite the extreme cold weather.

Christmas with the Leclerc'sOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant