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~Christmas miracle ~
December 7

"Pleaseee" Julius pleads, sending me his best puppy eyes, the night sky shining behind him. He's been a bomb of energy today, and I'm starting to feel the aftermath of that. I've never been this exhausted.

"Julius where do you see a kitchen where we can bake?" I ask him, trying to shut down his sudden idea of baking Christmas cookies. Baking with this level of exhaustion can only go wrong.

"There's one in the Ferrari building!" Julius assures me, not bothering to follow qualifying anymore. Honestly I understand him. Charles seems to be nowhere today, so qualifying isn't really any fun.

"Julius we can't just make a mess at this time of the day..." I answer, giving him a sad smile. Julius pouts out his lip, a sad expression taking over his face.

Oh god. A breakdown in the garage in front of everyone might be even worse than a messy kitchen.

"If you promise to behave-" I start, finally giving in. Within mere seconds, the frown disappears from Julius's face.

"I'll behave for the rest of the weekend, I promise!" Julius interrupts, his eyes already lighting up in joy. We both know he can't keep that promise.

Before I've even properly agreed, Julius has jumped out of his chair, and is running out of the garage. I quickly catch up to him, flashing an awkward smile at the mechanics, who are setting up for new tires.


"I'm really sorry to interrupt, but Julius has a burning desire to bake Christmas cookies" I tell the chefs working for Ferrari. Opposite what I feared, the chefs welcome us inside the kitchen, stopping their work to help us.

"Don't worry we have nothing to do anyway" one of the chefs replies, smiling sweetly at me. Julius, who is sitting on my hip, is already sizzling with excitement.

"So tell me what you're so excited to bake, I can make anything happen" the chef asks Julius, clearing up the kitchen for us. He needs to be careful with those promises, Julius will come up with something insane when he gets the chance.

Luckily Julius just wants to make normal Christmas cookies, his only requirement being he can decorate them.

The chef, who's clearly already fallen in love with Julius, sets up all the ingredients, showing us all the different coloured frosting, we can use to decorate.


"Now put in the flour" he tells Julius, as we start mixing the dough. Julius picks up the massive flour bag that's twice as big as his head.

Before it even happens I can see exactly what's going to happen...

"Oops!" Julius exclaims, trying to cover the smile on his lips as the flour slips out of his hands. The white powder flies out of the bag, and directly in my face.

Even without a mirror, I know I'm white as a ghost right now.

Julius's sweet laugh fills the room, as I cough up the horrible taste of plain flour. "Oh you did not!" I exclaim, a grin spreading across my face.

Digging my hand into the flour bag, I grab a handful of the powder, accidentally throwing it at Julius... "Caro!!" Julius screams, his laughter once again echoing in the kitchen.

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