Chapter Two: Build-up

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Diana enjoyed her new life to an extent. It did not help that Scotland in this century was incredibly sexist, and religious persecution was rife in this era.
It has been seven years since my rebirth, and I learned some hard lessons but necessary.

Just for being a smart woman could have me burned as a witch, but luckily, I was born into nobility, so that gave me some form of protection.
I indeed myself a little to John Knox,we had talking about his ideals and what he wanted to from them, I offered him ideas and insight, which he returned with vigorous enthusiasm. Before, he was banished by Marie, and he went to England, so that gave me another level of protection, at least in the protestant circles.

My worst fears came to life when my father died with my uncle, I was made Duchess of Ross in Stirling at the tender ten months old.
My mother was devastated. She loved my father so much that she vowed never to marry another. The Scottish Lords didn't like it much, but they respected my father and his widow not to push.
I wanted to ensure that my mother would not have too much to worry about over me, I showed by two I could read and I had to learn to write for this era which wasn't to bad.
I showed skills in languages and politics to a degree and a flare for fashion.
At my insistence, I started to learn to wield a sword at six, but I am making progress, I also will be starting I archery soon. Our master-at-arms was a loyal man to my father, and that loyalty went to me after he died. He said if I wanted to learn the sword, then he would make sure I was the best.
He sent tutors in different weapons from different countries for me to learn, and my educational tutors were surprised at my speed of learning. I could tell some were shocked that a WOMAN could hold such knowledge.

I knew I had to be careful because the last thing I wanted was to be branded a witch, but I kept everything at a slightly speed pace but not enough to be considered unnatural.
I made friends with different people throughout Europe, I made sure to make friends with the de' Medici family, and we entered into a profitable business together with my clothes.
I have also sent an envoy to Asia for a trade deal, I made sure they knew who the current emperor was and what they were allowed to offer but to work up to it.
I also helped King Henry II with an issue in his lands, and he rewarded me with some land and an estate with the title Marquess of Berry. I was only one level lower than I am in Scotland and made friendly acquaintance with Catherine De'Medici, I had special medicines sent for her son Francis and encouraged loads of Garlic as it was it for things like ear infections.

I also made sure to spend time with my mother and her ladies. They taught my different sowing styles, and they tried on my style of clothes and then started to set trends.

I made sure once a week to spend time with the people in my duchy to know that I was present, I gave arms to the poor but also food, clothes and I had some old buildings restored and made hem shelters for the poor then offered them training for work.
My duchy had the least amounts of homeless people and was a lot more sanitary as well.

Marie of Guise had turned into a right piece of work since she removed the Lord regent after she sent Mary off to France at the age of six.
From my spy's there, Catherine has already sent Mary to a convient for 'her protection', she wanted to do the same for me but my mother fought it, even with the assassin's coming once in a while to try their luck at killing me but I've managed to dispatch every single assassin after they were thoroughly interrogated by my people at Stirling Castle.

But it was recently that I figured that I wasn't in properly history or maybe I was but I was most definitely part of Reign the Show because I met Lola the other day and Greer of Kinross, they had been sent to join me at Stirling Castle, so they could learn with me when they go to attend Mary in France.

They asked me if I was joining them, I informed them that I was thrilled to join them, but I also informed them that I would not stay too long as I had things to do and to attend my estate in France as I made sure ot hire capablepeople to manage the estate. I love to travel and ensured that any properties i owned were well managed. The staff hired were trained from scratch and given a good life from nothing, so their loyalty was strong, but I would do what I could for my beloved Scotland.
They were happy to have such a person so dedicated to Scotland, and they agreed to practice some weapons to keep themselves safe in the future. They became my best friends, and I was incredibly thankful for it.

At least once every year we always try to do a tour of Scotland so I could hear any people's concerns or grievances on behalf of the Crown my cousin James Duke of Moray who was the illegitimate brother to Mary was a great help during this and he would join me often enough to hear the People's concerns and to try and improve their lives where I could.
Marie of Guise would never fund any restoration, so me and James always paid out for this ourselves and it was because of this that lives have improved drastically in Scotland we also made sure to make regular trips to the border between Scotland and England, we also made sure to pay extra to be able to build up the defenses along the border because I knew soon that Edward of England would die and Mary Tudor would some point take the throne.

The only reason Marie Of Guise allowed it was because she wanted all this to be done and she didn't have to pay for it but I wouldn't let silly thing like politics getting my way of being able to protect my people.

It also helps that she did not take me seriously due to my age and I took full advantage of that, she did not consider me a threat and to be honest I had no need or want to become queen of Scotland I wanted to try and make Mary better that's the only reason why I agreed to go to France was to see what I could make of her and see if she could be improved.

I know when a lot of people that I meet common folk and Nobles alike seem to get along really well with me.
I always endeavour to make the people know they are heard.
I could always tell how proud my mother was of me. She always made sure to tell me that my father was the same.

I had eleven years till Mary was summoned back to to French court and I started my horse riding next year, I was determined to be the best and make an entrance at French Court because.........why not.

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