Chapter 6

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I stood there, frozen.

"Rika?" He asked.

I looked away and shook my head.

"Excuse me." I excused myself and walked to the door to get inside.

"Rika, wait!" He called out, running up to me.

I already went inside when I suddenly felt him grabbed my arm. Now, both of us are inside, in the quiet hallways of the theater.

For some reason, the tears that were about to fall earlier suddenly didn't want to fall anymore.

I stopped in my place, waiting for him to speak. I still didn't look into his eyes.

"Let me.. Let me make it up to you.." He breathed out.

"You don't have to make up anything for me.." I muttered.

I finally look up, staring into his eyes.

"You have to make up for my brother." I hissed.

I did have a crush on him but neither Ryouta nor Ran knew about that.

'I hope they don't know anything about it.'

I was hurting but not as much as my brother.

They were best friends, for goodness sake.

I noticed Ran winced at the statement I made.

"I know.. and I will.." He looked away, shame was emitted from him.

I felt his hands slowly released his grip from mine, letting it go. The warmth of his hands lingered on to my skin as I choose to ignore the butterflies I felt in my stomach.

'Wrong timing, Rika..'

"I'll explain it to him.." He said, fidgeting.

"When?" I asked, sternly.

I was angry. I was upset. I was sad. I was also glad he started to talk to us, but the anger I bottled up when he just ghosted us, was about to explode. I saw how my brother fell into a deep hole. He lost a classmate, a team mate, a friend, and a brother.

"As much as I want to explain it to him right now, over the phone... I'd rather sit in front of his face and beg for forgiveness. Trust me, Rika." He pleaded.

I eyed him up and down.

'Ran, I hope I'm making the right decision.'

I nodded my head, still feeling unsure.

He sighed out of relief and scratched the back of his head.

"I'd also like to apologize to you.. I really didn't mean to leave so suddenly.." He started.

I waited for him to continue.

"So many things happened right after graduation. I wanted to spend the summer with you guys before going to Tokyo but, some things.. just happened." He said looking away, mumbling the last part.

"I know..I'm an asshole-" He said but I cut him off.

"The biggest asshole I ever encountered." I said with a straight face.

He kept his head down and stayed quiet.

"Ran, my brother cherished your friendship. You better explain it to him once you get back to Japan or I will slap the shit out of you." I threatened.

He kept silent for a moment and bursted out a chuckle.

"Of course..Thank you, Rika.." He smiled.

I blushed for a moment as I looked away from him.

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