Chapter 9

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"Ran! You cheater!" Gianluca shouted as he threw the cards the table.

We all laughed as Ran stood up from his seat.

"Me? No, you!" Ran argued back.

Then Ran started to mimic the 'challenge request' gesture, making everyone die from laughter.

He giggled and looked at me. He gave a thumbs up, asking if I was doing okay and I replied back with a thumbs up, indicating that I was.

After the practice match, we all decided to eat dinner at a nearby restaurant that they always go to. They invited Yuki and Matteo's team but they politely declined as they needed to do something back in Milan. During dinner, one teammate suggested to play a game after eating and the others nodded. I felt a bit out of place and wanted to back out but they insisted and told me to stay.

And now I'm here, in between a very loud Ran and his also very loud teammates.

'How do they have so much energy after the match?'

Stephen finally stopped the bickering and ended the game there. We all decided to leave the restaurant and pay for our respective bills.

As it was my turn to pay, a hand with a card suddenly was in front of the card machine. It made a sound indicating that it was paid. I looked at the person with confusion and widened my eyes to see Ran's smirking face.

"Treat me to dinner next time.. Just us." He whispered and walked away to his fellow teammates.

I looked at him with shock while his teammates continued to tease him.

"Too bold.." I muttered, feeling flustered.

I glared at him from a far but I noticed a figure beside me. Looking to my side, I was met by a shoulder. I looked up to see the face and saw the asian boy that was looking at me earlier.

"Oh, Hey.." I greeted, putting a small wave.

He waved back and smiled.

"Uhh.. I'm Rika Kobayashi.." I introduced myself, feeling a bit awkward as he was being too silent.

"Oh.. I'm Woo Jin." He introduced back as he extended his hand out.

I gladly took his hand and shook it. We both smiled and followed the group in front of us.

"Uhm.. Ms. Rika?" Woo Jin called as we walked silently.

Feeling a bit weird of the name, I immediately corrected him.

"Please call me Rika.. No need for formalities." I smiled.

"Okay.. Rika." He smiled cutely.

I chuckled at the boy.

He seems to be very young. Maybe a bit younger than me, but sometimes, asians can be deceiving with their looks.

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" He asked.

I looked at him with shock as I was just trying to figure out his age as well.

"I'm sorry! Was I rude?" He asked, feeling a bit panicked.

I giggled at his state, and shook my head.

"It's fine.. Relax.. I'm 20! You?" I asked him back.

"Oh! I'm 19.." He answered, feeling embarrassed.

'I knew it!'

"Ahh.. That's nice.." I replied back, feeling like an old person.

After a few moments, there was a bit of an awkward atmosphere. Suddenly, Ran whipped his head back to face us making me widened my eyes at the sudden movement. I gave him a small wave along with a smile. He waited for me and Woo Jin as we walked towards him. Suddenly, Ran put his arm around my shoulder, squeezing himself in between Woo Jin and I.

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