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Kali yuga. The awakening evil. The moment of falsehood in every truth. The adharmic act in every right action. The growth of evil over the growth of virtue. But maybe, a bit of good is still left, although it could be a few people, a few families, a few mindsets, that would be enough.

Agnilekha POV

My hand on my chin which holds the pressure of my overloaded head. Boredom peaks the best of me, how will learning about how to sketch help me with my life? How could this be relevant to neurology? I look at the teacher's screen, annoyed. How is she still going, bro, we're just sketching. I open my computer as she continues to talk. I glance at the rest of the class, few children were playing games, others had their earbuds in watching YT. I laugh internally, no one is listening. I search up random images of Krishna on Kalindi doing the tandavam. I finally found the perfect image. As I sketch his face, I proceed to wonder,  if Krishna knew the war were to have happen, with his power, why didn't Krishna stop the war. As I stand up to go and grab a few watercolors for my dear Kannaiya, the bell rings. Finally! I pack up the things and scurry out of the classroom as if I were a squirrel looking for acorns. As I wait with my right leg up resting my back on the wall as I rest my back, waiting for my best friend to walk by, "Indu!" She looks around trying to spot my beautifully ugly face. She walks over before she says

"Oh- it's you!" in a disappointed tone, I roll my eyes,

"Broski, that's my line!" I state, mentioning broski on purpose.

"Well, broski is mine!" Indu counters.

"Oh ma gawd! I just drew Krishna on Kalindi during Art! It's literally so good!" I mention excitement written all over my face, I open my tote bag and take out my artbook from there. I flip to page 73 as I number my pages and bookmark my latest drawings. "Right?" I question her before signaling to her to hold onto my book, as she grips onto my book, she gasps. I turn around to see my face go flat into some guys' back. "Ayyo, I am soooo sorry! I didn't mean to, I'm literally so sorry!" I panic as I the words blurt out of my mouth as I stumble back to the after effects of my actions. I look up after a second, it's Ryouji..."EWWWWW! It's you~! Nevermind, I'm not sorry." I exclaim in disgust for the fun of it. His reaction was so worth it! I slap his arm playfully as he is was close to enough for me to do that before running off like the stupid rat I am... As I enter the classroom, I glace over to see the time, 9:09! I'm on time! I joyfully smile as Indu keeps on blabbering until we both reach our seat.

"Hey, Indu. Do you know about the story called Aaghnya on wattpad? It's low-key fire!" I ask as I snatch my artbook from her hands, a small glow shines through her eyes which I fail to notice.

"You think so, should I let you in on a secret?" She asks back to my question, I nod my head as she continues "I was the one who wrote the Aaghnya thing on wattpad..." she keeps talking explaining how the story goes so I believe her. I stare at her in utter disbelief.

"Ew! Actually I forgot to mention, but honestly, it could have been better. It was just so much and everything was just as organized as your life, which we both know is barely any." I say as I continue to speak about how bad her writing is before she cuts me off.

"You RAT! Shut up! You liked it before and now you don't! I swear on my pencil- oh wait- that's Saraswati devi, I swear on you that I will slap your butt if you don't shut up right now!" She yells at me loudly but just enough for me to hear. We both heartfully laugh before the teacher walks into the classroom. We both stop talking and listen to the teacher quietly.


(Time Skip to After Class)

The bell finally rings and I can't wait to go and meet Ayana. It's Lunch! As we walk out of the classroom, we see Ayana waving. She signals to the bathroom and I give her a thumbs up. I wait for Indu to get her lunch and then we go to my locker to get my lunch. Noodles, finally a break. Although I may be very cultured, I am greatly American when it comes to my interests in food. We quickly reached the bathroom and as we walked into the bathroom, my gaze shifts from Indu to the empty bathroom which I had thought Ayana was in. We wait for a minute or two thinking she was in the bathroom stall or something. Eventually we leave and continue to talk, before a hand grasps onto my arm.

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