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As the final hours of the year ticked away, Ethan, Ava, and their close circle of friends gathered around a crackling bonfire on the beach. The fire's glow battled against the darkness, casting a warm, flickering light over everyone's faces. Logs popped and hissed, throwing sparks into the night like tiny fireworks.

The couples settled into cozy cuddles, blankets draped over their shoulders, as they each held a glass of wine, their favorite vintages brought especially for this moment. The air was filled with anticipation and the tang of sea salt mingled with the smoky scent of the bonfire.

"Okay, everyone, it's almost time!" Tony announced, checking his watch with excitement.

Amy, snuggled against Carlson, began the countdown. "Ten, nine, eight..."

The group joined in, their voices growing louder and more excited with each number.

"...three, two, one—Happy New Year!" they shouted in unison, the beach echoing their cheer.

Glasses clinked in a symphony of crystal against crystal, wine splashing slightly over the rims in their eagerness. "To love, laughter, and friendship that lasts a lifetime!" Ava toasted, her eyes shining brightly as she leaned into Ethan's embrace.

"And to Ava and Ethan, may your upcoming wedding be as perfect as the two of you are together!" Jasmine added, raising her glass higher.

Laughter, cheers, and the soft murmur of New Year's resolutions being shared filled the air. The couples exchanged kisses, the single friends hugged, and everyone basked in the warmth of the fire and each other's company.

Sofia, always the jester, joked, "Now, let's make sure none of us do anything that ends up as a New Year's viral video, alright?"

The group erupted into laughter, knowing full well that their fun might just be memorable enough to break the internet. But that was a worry for another day. For now, they were content to be together, welcoming the New Year with open hearts and joyous spirits.

The group, still reveling in the warmth of their New Year's gathering, was jolted out of their cheerfulness by a sudden notification. It was a message on their long-dormant group chat, and the sender's name brought a wave of stunned silence: Violet.

She had been absent from their lives for six years after moving to France, leaving no digital trace behind. Her sudden text was a shock to them all.

Violet's message read: "Hey everyone, I'm coming home soon. Can't wait to catch up!"

Ava's eyes widened with a mix of shock and delight. "Look, it's Vi! She's coming back!" she exclaimed, her voice a cocktail of disbelief and joy.

The others crowded around the phone, re-reading the message as if to confirm its reality. "Violet? After all this time?" Amy muttered, a smile slowly breaking on their face.

"Violet? Is she serious?" Jasmine asked, breaking her silence.

Ava, her eyes shining with unshed tears, clutched her phone close. "I can't believe it. Vi's coming back. She might even be here for my wedding!" She was already lost in thoughts of reunion, her words tumbling out in a giddy rush.

The group began to buzz with speculation and excitement, each person voicing their surprise and theories on why Violet had suddenly decided to return. They reminisced about old times, their laughter resuming, albeit with a new, curious undertone.

"I wonder what brought her back after all these years," Amy pondered aloud, their tone laced with curiosity.

"Do you remember the last party we had with her?" Sofia chimed in, a nostalgic smile spreading across their face. "That was epic. She always knew how to make things fun."

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