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As Fred prepared to board his flight, he threw a glance at Ava and caught the sheen of unshed tears in her eyes. Striding over, their locked gazes spoke volumes in silent communion. Ava's tears cascaded down as Fred tenderly stroked her cheek. "I know we've not been as close as before, but you do know I'm always here for you, right Avaline?" His voice was soft, his smile bittersweet, as surprise flickered across her face at her name spoken aloud.

"You haven't called me that in ages, Frederick..." she chuckled through her tears, invoking his full name as a tender remembrance of closeness. Ava's tears flowed unrestrained, a poignant reminder of days when they were inseparable as two threads tightly woven together.

Their friends observed the exchange with curious glances, witnessing a rarely seen intimacy between Fred and Ava. As Fred gently wiped her tears, their shared grin was a silent pact. "I'll bring 'Avaline' back, just for you," he joked, easing the tension. "Leaving now, I'm at ease knowing Ethan's there for you. He really loves you, and it makes me truly happy," he admitted, his voice catching with emotion.

Noticing Ava's fleeting glance towards her fiancé, Fred mistook her forlorn expression for pre-wedding jitters, convinced it was the thought of his possible absence at the wedding that troubled her.

"I'll be there to see you down the aisle, Avaline, don't worry. I wouldn't miss it for the world," he assured her, his embrace a cocoon of old friendship.

"Safe travels, Frederick. And remember, we're just a phone call away," Ava replied, her smile as warm as the embrace they shared.

Gathering his luggage, Fred nodded to his friends as his flight was called. "It's time for me to head off. Take care, everyone. I'll see you all soon!" They waved goodbye, a tableau of smiles tinged with melancholy.

Fred sank into his first-class seat, the hum of the plane's engines a distant echo against the turmoil in his heart. Leaving was never easy, but parting from Ava left an ache that seemed to resonate with each thrum of the aircraft. His decision to leave wasn't taken lightly; it was a desperate measure to heal a heart that had been quietly breaking for years.

The offer to take over his father's architectural firm in Canada had come as a hidden blessing. Henry Rushmore, a man of vision and resolve, had long envisioned Fred succeeding him. For years, Fred had danced around his father's invitations, weaving excuses that now seemed trivial. Yet, in the throes of his unspoken love for Ava, he grasped the offer like a lifeline, surprising his father with his sudden eagerness.

A deep sigh escaped him as he powered on his phone, and there they were—him and Ava—frozen in the glow of youth on his wallpaper. The image, a snapshot from their high school days, was a poignant reminder of simpler times. His lips curled into a smile tinged with regret, as the sweetness of those days flooded back, each memory a gentle, haunting ghost that lingered in the space between what was and what might have been...

Ten years ago...

As the final bell of the day rang through the grand hallways of Elmridge Elite Academy, students poured out of their classrooms, a river of youthful energy and chatter. Ava, clad in her school's polished uniform, emerged into the bustling corridor of Elmridge Elite Academy. The uniform, a blend of deep greens and crisp whites, was accented with a neatly tied emerald ribbon, giving a feminine touch to the ensemble. Her presence, accompanied by the soft rustle of her pleated skirt, seemed to cast a serene glow around her.

Almost instantly, Fred was by her side, his own green hockey varsity jacket a mark of pride and dedication. It was an unspoken ritual, as natural to them as breathing—Fred waiting for Ava, his classroom conveniently next to hers.

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