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The sound of Lily's joyful voice brought a warmth to the cozy patisserie shop that Ava had carefully nurtured in Ketchikan, Alaska. "Mommy! Mommy!" Lily's excitement was infectious, and customers couldn't help but smile at the adorable sight.

Ava scooped up her daughter, a tender smile playing on her lips. "Hi baby... Remember, we don't run inside the shop, okay?" she gently reminded her.

Lily, her eyes shining with mischief, playfully covered her mouth with her tiny hand. "Opsie... I just missed you so very much, Mommy!"

Ava kissed her daughter's forehead, her heart swelling with love. "And I missed you too, my little Lily," she whispered.

In Ketchikan, Ava had poured her heart into creating 'Lily's Flour Garden', a charming patisserie nestled beneath their home. It was a smaller, more intimate version of her successful 'La Belle Époque Patisserie' chain, which she had left under the capable management of her mother. Here, in this quiet corner of Alaska, she found peace and purpose, balancing her roles as a business owner and a loving mother.

Each day in the patisserie was a blend of sweet aromas, the laughter of her daughter, and the contentment of a life she had bravely built on her own terms.

Inside Lily's Flour Garden, the cozy patisserie was buzzing with the gentle hum of satisfied customers and the sweet aroma of freshly baked treats. Ava, with her usual grace and efficiency, moved behind the counter, serving customers with a warm smile. In a corner table close to the counter, little Lily was seated, deeply engrossed in coloring her favorite book, her crayons spread out around her.

A young woman, holding a steaming cup of coffee and a croissant, approached Ava at the counter. "Your patisserie is just wonderful," she began, her eyes glancing over at Lily. "And your little girl, she's adorable. Is she your daughter?"

Ava glanced at Lily and smiled proudly. "Yes, that's Lily. She's my world. Thank you for your kind words."

The woman smiled back, watching Lily. "She seems so happy here, coloring away. You've created such a lovely, welcoming place."

As Ava prepared the woman's order, another customer, a regular who had been coming since the patisserie opened, joined in the conversation. "Ava, your shop has become a staple in Ketchikan. It's not just the delicious pastries, but the warmth and love you put into this place. And Lily, she's like the little mascot of your shop!"

Ava laughed, her heart swelling with happiness. "Thank you. It's been a dream to run this place, and having Lily here makes it even more special."

As the afternoon progressed, more customers came in, some regulars, some new, all greeted by the charming sight of Lily and the enticing smells of the patisserie. Ava moved around, chatting with customers, taking orders, and at times glancing over at Lily, ensuring she was content.

"Mommy, look!" Lily's voice, bright with pride, cut through the hum of conversations. She held up her coloring book, showcasing a meticulously colored flower.

Ava paused, her heart swelling at the sight. "That's beautiful, sweetheart!" she praised, leaning down to envelop Lily in a quick, warm hug. "You're quite the artist."

Their interaction didn't go unnoticed. Customers nearby couldn't help but admire the warm mother-daughter moment, some remarking on the family-like atmosphere Ava had cultivated in her patisserie.

The cozy ambiance was momentarily filled with Lily's excited voice. "I can't wait to show this to Daddy Brian! When is he coming back, mommy?"

Brian, a constant, loving presence in their lives, had returned to New York a week ago to tend to his club but was never far from Lily's thoughts. Over the years, Brian's bond with Lily had deepened, naturally evolving to the point where Lily affectionately referred to him as 'Daddy Brian,' a title that held a special place in Brian's heart.

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