Failure as a Friend

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"How dare you bitch? A lowly slut like you defying a Luna? This is so uncalled of." Selena comments as she approaches me dragging her flowy royal blue dress that reveals her right leg up to her upper thighs and her clothes on the top are way too revealing.

"I would rather die than call you a Luna." I scoff and turn around arrogantly.

No one dared stop me. Considering I was quite friendly with the Beta and Alpha's sister of the other pack, they didn't want to meddle and protect their Luna to be.

"You have not received the tittle yet so there is no need for anyone to call you that." Anna snickered and followed me.
I came across mom. I just greeted her and moved away. And for the fact that she wasn't my own mom was what made it awkward. And Arthur being my half-brother, he didn't really care.
My own mom and dad were never mates, yet they got married.

After coming quite far from the bitch, Anna left me as she had some introductions to be made. That said, Alex, Sarah and Lia being the next in line for the third-in-command left as well.

Then the person I came to face was my dad. We don't speak for some time. The next thing that came out of his mouth made me dumbstruck.
"I wish you were never my daughter. You have brought shame upon my family. I have always hated you." He spoke.
I felt awful inside. Tears threatened to fall down. Yet I kept my face neutral. I knew he didn't love me. Rieka quivered and went to the back of my mind. She was after all wolf and family bonds by blood did affect her. Hearing it made my heart ache too much. He never loved my mother either, but he at least put up an act, after her death he didn't even care if I were alive or dead. That's not how dads are supposed to be. Are they?
He only sent me money since it was the former Alpha and Luna's wish.

No matter how royally I was brought up. Love was something I lacked. And here is the the sad reality playing right in front of me.

"Done?" I question him while raising an eyebrow as if I didn't mind him. He became speechless. I started walking away from him.

Arthur would be late from some pack business. Since it had been some time, I last spoke to Tyler I wander in search of him. But to no avail, Anna seemed too preoccupied as she was the Alpha's daughter. Others were busy as well.

That is when I decide to get a drink. I pick up a nonalcoholic drink. No matter how strong I was but holding my drink wasn't something I was capable of. I wouldn't want to get all drunk and lower my guard in the enemy's den.

I gracefully pick up a glass and as I am about to place it on my lips, I feel a pair of eyes looking at me, intensely, at that.
I know exactly the person who's gonna drill holes on my head just by staring. And that is why I turn around and in no time my gaze lands on those light gray eyes I would have loved two months ago. But now they were the most hated gaze, and I wouldn't mind gouging out those eyeballs.

"Do that, I will back you up. I don't mind lending my claws." I hear Rieka snicker, I feel her grinning evilly.
" I was just kidding idiot. You need to stop being steadfast on revenge." I tell her followed with a sigh.
"Oh, look who's talking? You even counted the times you tossed and turned every night in these two months." She points out. I don't say a thing.

The all so mighty jerk starts to walk to me; I turn away like I don't give a damn. I really didn't. I mentally prepare myself with polite insults I can throw at him. He has power since he is an Alpha and unlike with the bitch, I will have to be careful with each word or the whole pack will attack me and if I run away, I will become a wanted criminal. That is how the werewolf world works.

Out of nowhere Anna pops in front of me. I smile at her. However, she seems worried. "I am sorry, but I didn't get the right chance to tell you this." She says guiltily.

I look at her questioningly. She drags me to the other side of the hall where there is a balcony. Once we stop, she turns me to face her. She looks at me as guilt and sadness envelope her.

"I should have let you know sooner but since you yourself were in a peril, I couldn't do it." She pauses.
"Tyler found his mate last month." She whispers.
I look at her with disbelief. "And why would you not tell me?" I question. Seems like my only best friends didn't bother telling me that they found their mate. I was sad. But what caught my attention was Ann. Her eyes were glossy. She seemed like she would cry any moment now. I look at her. Something isn't right.
"Hey, is everything alright?" I ask.
"I am failure as a friend. You guys are so nice, and you deserve better friends unlike a useless one like me. I did my best Esmeray. Yet I couldn't do anything to protect both of you." She rambles as hot tears pour down her cheeks.
"Hey, hey, hey, what's the matter? You are the best friend anybody would wish to have." I offer. "Now tell me what happened."
"Last month Selena turned eighteen."
And everything starts to make sense. Rage fills me. But seeing Anna I knew rejection wasn't the end. My eyes start to glow. "What did they do?" I demand.

"H- he was pushed down to the floor. J- Jason kicked him and whi- whipped him on his bare body for holding her hand when he found that she was his mate. I did everything I could, screamed b-b-but the guards were told to hold me down." She stutters with tears.

And before long I am gone in search of that bastard Alpha raging like fire.

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