The White Wolf and the Rogue King

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I felt the pain, my body was showing signs of shifting. I started running towards the woods, some place away from the prying eyes just like mom had told me. "Never let anyone know about your wolf, not even your father." She had said.

It's been 6 years since her death and my dad didn't mind waiting for her funeral before he brought in his mistress in with a boy 3 years older than me.
'Maybe mommy knew daddy never loved us' I had thought.

Now I was thirteen, the age when everyone shifts. Anna and I had been playing the backyard of the pack house. The sun was starting to set, and I could feel my body ready to shift.

I ran with all my might. Anna followed me. I could hear the cracking of my bones halfway. Finally, I reached the clearing where there was a lake.

Then I shifted. My clothes were in pieces. I looked at the reflection. Staring back at me was a violet eyed wolf. My fur was pure white as snow. And now I knew why my mom had always asked me to hide my wolf. I turned and howled. I was happy.

"Finally, we meet" I hear my wolf talk for the first time.
"Call me Rieka" She chimes in.
"Um... hello, nice to meet you, I am Esmeray." I replied.

"As you can see, we are a rare species. And I know our mother feared of being used for wrong." She speaks.
I hum in response.

"You are beautiful."

Oh no. It's Anna.
I quiver and take a step back.

"It's fine darling. I won't hurt you. I will not let anyone know." She comforts me by patting me on my head. I start to shift back.

I feel weird at the sound of my bones cracking, and it doesn't hurt anymore. The very moment I shifted back, my eyes grew huge with surprise at my reflection. My amber eyes were now violet, and my blond hair was no more golden, it had turned SILVER, PURE SILVER DAMN IT!

"WHAAAT?!!" I hear Anna cry. She quickly throws me a bundle of clothes; she must have picked up before following me.

"Wait up, I will return shortly" is the last thing she says before running off.

After a while she returns with a boy, much taller than her. It was Tyler.
'Oh', I thought.

He looked at me and the next thing he did was touch my face and change my appearance, back to the way as it was before. "This is all my ability can do. I don't have an idea of when it might wear off. But yeah, for now you are all good, girly." He grins widely. His ginger hair sways in the wind while his jade like green eyes shone under the moonlight.


The moment I storm into the Grand Hall, my eyes take no time in finding that ugly jerk. And as expected he faced me from where he stood.

I started stomping towards him and on my way, I did something I knew I was going to regret. Yep, I mindlessly took a glass of red liquid and emptied the contents without a second thought. I ignored the burning sensation in my throat and pushed through the crowd, it was easier since people made space for me just by sensing my power. Yeah, I was hella angry and I could barely contain the power. And containing my wolf, who was clawing to get out was becoming a pain.

I only stop when I am standing right in front of him. And by the looks of it he already knows what had got me so riled up. It is my best friend we are talking about. He was more like a brother to me. Even more than Arthur himself.

"Easy, Bitch. What's the matter?" He mocks me.

I compose myself and it's easier since I am drunk right now. I stand straight look him straight in the eyes and speak.
"You just showed your worth. God must love me; I didn't end up having spent the rest of my life with a weak ass Alpha like yourself."

He becomes furious, "If anyone is weak here that is you bitch." He bellows.

"The audacity to call us weak. He doesn't even stand a chance against us. We should just kill him." Rieka chided.

"Hmph. Says the one who always ends up trampling the weak and powerless." I reply with poison dripping in each of my words followed by my laugh that echoes all over since people had already gathered around. I sensed my friends except Alex.

"Just because you became a little beautiful and got to wear a high-end dress doesn't mean you can talk to your Alpha like that. Who knows, what man's bed you got on to, to get this dress and accessories. After all a bitch is a bitch." I hear the most unpleasant voice.

"Look she dares talk to us like this, we should just let her know who the bitch is." My wolf reminds me.

"Oh, look who's talking. You are the bitch that got into the jerk's bed, everyone from the pack knows about your doings. The way you dragged yourself around the beds of high ranked men so that you could curry favor from this man." I ridiculed pointing to the jerk in front of me. Now I did it. I knew I shouldn't have. I knew what alcoholic did to me. It gave me confidence and power and for ones I obey whatever Rieka tells me.

And the next thing I knew, there was a harsh sound of slap that echoed around the hall followed by a ton of gasps.

And I.

I was left with a burning pain on my left cheek. Still trying to grasp the situation I slowly place my trembling hand on my face where I was hit.

Wide eyed, filled with rage I was just about to shout something really inappropriate when I felt it. The same feeling of butterflies that I felt back then, while buying the dress.

That day, I was rather confused with my feelings. But now I was sure about what I felt.

Seconds later the scent hit my nose. It was a mixture of sandalwood and honey. It was so attractive I raised my head up and started sniffing when I heard the most enchanting voice, for people it was dangerous, cold and held a fucking amount of authority, but I felt more protected and loved than ever.

"I am amazed, by your audacity to raise your hands on 'MY LUNA'."

My wolf started acting crazy. I knew this feeling. I liked it, yet I was afraid. But, but he called me My Luna. He called me that.

I couldn't be happier. He accepted me even before we saw each other.

There were gasps all over and a lot of chattering in the crowd. By now half of the woman had fainted, just by sensing his power. My wolf was in air just thinking about it.

People started clearing and making way from where the power was being emitted, that without a doubt was the strongest in here.

"Welcoming the Alpha of 'Rogue Under the Moonlight Pack'- THE ROGUE KING." The loud voice of the announcer booms in the hall followed by a ton of gasps.

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