Chapter 10

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"I want to use this opportunity to formally introduce our new staff. So everyone this is Ayla and Ayla meet everyone" she said with a smile and we all chuckled.

I looked over at the three other staffs that I do not know their names, but I seem to recognize one of them. She was the one who brought me the clothes and other items that Mr Dante bought for me. She had brown hair with brown eyes, she smiled when she saw me staring at her and stretched out her hand for a handshake.

"Hi Ayla, I'm Emily" she said softly with a smile. Okay is it just me or does everyone here seem nice. This is really my first time having a heartfelt lunch with a group of people.

Emily here reminded me of my best friend Chloe. It's being edges since I last saw her, I think I'll give her a call once I'm done with my chores.

"Hi Emily, it's so nice to meet you" I said while shaking her hand. I looked over at the brown haired girl beside Emily and she glanced back at me.

She wiped her mouth and said,
"I guess we are really doing this. Well Ayla I'm the one and only Eva and I like your blue eyes by the way, I think I'm kinda jealous of them" she said as she stroked her jaw with a humorous act of thinking about how jealous she was.
We all chuckled at her behavior except the girl beside Eva who was seriously focused on her food, I wouldn't blame her though, the pasta was so delicious and I'm pretty sure Patricia cooked the meal. I should probably take cooking lessons from her.
"Thank you Eva. I love your dark brown eyes as well it's beautiful" I said to her nicely and she acted as though she was blushing heavily with both hands on both cheeks as she batted her lashes severally, making us laugh again, oh she is such a drama queen.
The laughter died down and we were all staring at the last girl who was still clearly more interested in her food. 

Eva nudged her arm and she looked at everyone who was watching her clearly waiting for her to say something. She cleared her throat softly,
"Uhh what's your name again?" She asked,
"I'm Ayla" I replied.

"That's right right Ayla, I'm Natasha, but you can't call me Nat, cause we are not close and I don't think we would ever be" she said with a scrunched up nose staring at me up and down dramatically with her beautiful long lashes.

She had a red hair and a brown eyes, she was very pretty with light freckles on her nose. Everyone stopped eating and stared at her quietly. She rolled her eyes and said,

"Urghh what! Why are you all staring at me, I didn't say anything wrong did I?" She asked and continued her meal.

"Really? That seriously wasn't necessary Natasha" Mirabel said to her while shaking her head.

"It's okay now girls, continue with your meal" Patricia said and we continued eating in silence.

After the meal I decided to stay back and help Emily with the dishes. She smiled at me when I joined her to wash the dishes.

"You really don't have to do this Ayla, I can handle it and Patricia clearly instructed me to wash them and maybe next time you would be the one to wash them, cause she always ask a different person,"

"Oh well I don't mind helping you out now"

"Thanks Ayla. Eva is right though, you have such a beautiful blue eyes, I feel like I could be lost in them" she said narrowing her eyes at me and I chuckled softly.

"Thanks Emily, you are quite beautiful I must say. You actually remind me of my best friend Chloe, she is in college now by way" she smiled obviously blushing and I smiled back.

"Okay what am I missing here" Mirabel said behind us and we both bursted out laughing.

"So Ayla, tell us, where are you from?" Mirabel asked curiously.
"Oh I was born and brought up here in Manhattan.
"And what of your parents? Are they here in Manhattan now? Cause that angry stepmother of yours acted like she owned you or something" Mirabel said,

"Uhh my parents are late" I replied sadly and they both apologized.

"So what about you guys, where are you from" I asked changing the topic.

Mirabel was about to answer when Patricia yelled my name.

"Uhh I'll see you guys later" I wiped my hands and left hurriedly.

"Oh there you are Ayla. What were you doing?"
"I was just helping out with the dishes"
"Oh no you don't have to do that Ayla, you should get back to your work before Mr Dante gets back"

I almost forgot about cleaning up his room when I was so busy making new friends.
"Okay I'll get on with it" I said and scurried off. I took the cleaning supplies and began cleaning his room.

Not much longer, I was dressing the bed when the door to his room flew wide open.
I turned around swiftly to find Mr Dante standing in front of the room with a beautiful young woman with him.
Does he really change women like he changes clothes. Oh it's really none of my business, but why did he come back so early and I'm not even done cleaning yet.

I stood there staring at them with a surprised expression on my face.

"What are you still doing here Ayla, how long exactly does it take you to clean up a single room?" He asked angrily.

The woman beside him had her arms around him like he was going to run away if she lets go, she stared at me with a little smile playing on her lips,

"Answer me goddammit!" He barked at me and I jerked backwards. There was a flash of anger in his grey orbs.

Okay I think someone was really having a bad day.

"I-i'm sorry sir I-i was cleaning the other rooms..."

"Is that an excuse?" He asked angrily.

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