The Crystal Cave part 2

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There might be a monster here...

I wonder what kind of monster, but also I really don't want to know.

Quietly I sit, trying to breathe as few times as possible to not make too much noise.

After a while I can't feel my legs anymore, this part is so cold, I don't believe that any of these crystals have ever seen the sun. So maybe the monster hasn't either.

I can't take it anymore, I've cried so much that I don't have any tears left anymore and I can feel a terrible headache.

There is only one thing on my mind, and how terrible the idea might be, it is: I need to move.

So all knowing that it would be a mistake, I stand up. Almost falling over, from how tired I am, the pain in my head and the pain in my cold legs.

I use the wall as a support and slowly walk through the glowing tunnels.

It really doesn't enter my mind to take a crystal with me, it might make noise and attract the monster that the others were talking about.

After walking for a while and turning corner after corner, choosing without really thinking, only listening, I see a small object lying on the ground.

I get closer to see what it is.

It's the tool that 20 gave to me!

What a strange place to find it.

Did it really roll that far?

Carefully while making sure that I'm alone I pick it up.

My hands have already gone numb from the cold and as I try to hold it in my hand, I drop it again and it loudly falls against one of the crystals.


It echoes loudly throughout all of the cave.

Why did I even pick that thing up in the first case?!

Then the thing I feared most happens...

I can hear an echo return of something I do not know.

Quickly I turn around and run in another direction.

The sound gets louder and louder.

It's so loud that some of the crystals start to turn dark, but I don't stop running.

I hit a wall and I want to cry, but I start running again.



The sound of the monster gets only closer.

Maybe if I turn my head around, I will see its giant teeth shining back the lights from the crystals.

I can hear it run.

It's so close.

I don't want to look, but I can feel its claws getting closer and closer.

"Leave me alone!" I start to yell.

But it doesn't.

Something ice-cold takes me by my shirt, piercing it in the process.

I fight back: "Let me go! Let me go!" I scream.

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