Chapter 1A

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London, May 1817

Garrett Kendall, Viscount Healey, was not terribly glad to be at this soiree during the start of the Season. His scowl — though it did darken his expression greatly — did nothing to detract the more-than-pleasant features which most debutantes found very agreeable, and the married ladies and widows, very tempting.

While no one could agree on whether it was his dark blue eyes, his plump lips — which he thought a tad too plump though the womenfolk would disagree — his slightly fleshy nose or his sharp jawline that captivated their attention, but everyone could agree that put together, it made him very agreeable to the eyes.

Though he smiled very little, and was usually severe in his demeanour, but when he did deign to make an appearance at some social event, fans would be all aflutter.

Just as they were now.

Though he was dressed from head to toe in black — save for the white of his cravat and his shirt — the women were all of the similar opinion that it merely served to deepen the blue in his eyes, lending him a mysterious air. If his valet, Tilbury, had heard the thoughts of the women, he'd have nodded his head in agreement vigorously. It was for this sole reason he tolerated the lack of colour in his master's wardrobe.

Tilbury was thankful that his master's hair was naturally curly and required very little extra work to maintain it. Otherwise, he'd have had one more thing he and his master wouldn't be able to agree on. As it were, the dark brown curls were less obvious tonight. However, it still invited much talk from the women who were commenting on how the longish hairstyle suited him despite it not being very fashionable.

If Garrett had been privy to anyone's thoughts at that moment, or any prior situations whenever he entered a ballroom or someone's townhouse, he'd have rolled his eyes a thousand times by now. But as it were, he could not and the ladies were safe from his eye-rolling.

Garrett pointedly ignored all the glances and attempts to catch his eye and marched straight to where his mother stood with some of her friends in the corner of the room, all of whom had daughters that needed to be married off and were in attendance at tonight's soiree.

"Good evening, Mother." He bowed as he greeted the rest of the older ladies by name.

"Oh hullo, Garrett." She patted his arm. "So good of you to come by."

He tried not to scowl. "Yes. Unfortunately, there was not much of a choice." Her note had threatened to toss him out of the house if he ignored her request to attend a social event again. He knew she wasn't likely to carry out her threat but this was the first time it was accompanied with a glowering brother-in-law who delivered the note.

"I know you're busy with the sittings in Lords, Healey," the Earl of Dover had said, aforementioned note in hand. "But you did tell your mother that you wished to marry. You cannot possibly leave her with a statement like this and not be a willing participant in her machinations. If you just acquiesce her request just this once, you will not be horrified and embarrassed that she has had to resort to writing to me to ask for help."

Thus, here he was.

"You have a dutiful son, my lady," the Countess Castleton commented. "A summons and he's here. Would that my sons be willing to listen to his mother."

Lady Healey smiled. "Your oldest has not yet reached his majority, my lady Castleton. I'm certain he will come around when it is time for him to fulfil his duties to the earldom." She glanced at him, an affectionate look in her eyes. "When Garrett here was still in Cambridge, he hardly listened as well. But he is well aware of the need to secure the viscountcy. Do you not, my son?"

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