Chapter 18

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Frederica stood in the drawing room, her body unable to be still and sit serenely as was expected of her. Instead, she was by the large window that overlooked the extensive grounds of the Lord Brackley's estate while Garrett was perusing the books placed neatly on the bookshelf in the corner.

A single rap on the open door of the drawing room had her turning to face the sound, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Garrett turned too.

A distinguished-looking man, dressed almost head to toe in dark brown which made his blonde hair — the exact same shade as hers — stand out in stark contrast. She saw William's chin in his, the slant in his eyes in her own. And she knew, without a doubt, that this was the man who had fathered her.

He offered them both a smile and brief nod. "I was told I had guests. It was quite a surprise, I must say, for I don't have many guests nowadays." His brows drew together lightly as he moved further into the room. "I must apologise but I don't quite seem to recall if we've been introduced before."

Frederica willed her feet to move but they seemed to have grown roots of their own. And her lips refused to part, as if they'd been glued shut by the stickiest of honeys. She could only stare at this man who'd abandoned her mother, abandoned her. A whole bag of emotions swirled inside her, all demanding attention from her.

Garrett must have noticed her stillness because he strode forward, hand outstretched. "Thank you for welcoming us into your home, Lord Brackley. It is a very fine house. We're terribly sorry to intrude and while I know it is against the rules of society for us to introduce ourselves to you but I assure you that this is quite the extraordinary circumstance. I hope you will understand and forgive us."

Brackley nodded though Frederica still saw the confusion on his face. "Certainly. This transgression is not great."

"I am Garrett Kendall, the fifth Viscount Healey. My brother-in-law, Christopher Wyndham, the sixth Earl of Dover is an acquaintance of yours I believe."

Brackley's face lit up at that. "Dover! How is he? I haven't seen him since my wife's funeral."

"He is well, I'm happy to report. He has tasked me to send his regards to you."

"Thank you. And please send mine to him as well." Brackley turned to look at her. "And this young woman with you is Lady Healey I presume?"

"No, unfortunately she isn't." She winced slightly at the longing she heard in Garrett's words. When he waved her forward, she finally managed to dislodge herself from where she was standing to move closer to the pair of them. "Might I introduce you to my dearest friend, Mrs David Brookfield. She's expressed a great interest in meeting with you, sir."

Frederica sank into a curtesy as Brackley bowed. "A pleasure to meet you, Lord Brackley."

"Likewise." He gazed at her, a slight frown on his face. "Are you certain we've never met before, Mrs Brookfield? There's a certain familiar quality to you, but I can't quite put my finger on it."

This was the moment she'd dreamt about for the longest time. But the words she longed to say wouldn't emerge.

Once again, Garrett saved her, his hand on the small of her back. "Shall we sit first? Mrs Brookfield, will you pour?"

After she fixed them all a cup of tea, with Brackley liking his with lots of cream and no sugar, the exact opposite of hers, Garrett, sensing her nerves, drew the older man into a conversation about fishing. Though she was present, but if anyone were to ask her later what exactly they'd been talking about, she wouldn't have been able to answer, so occupied was she on trying to gather the courage to ask the questions she wanted answers to. To touch on the subject of William, the sole reason why she had even thought about looking for Brackley in the first place.

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