Chapter 11B

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Hyde Park was teeming with other members of the ton promenading. Colourful feathers stuck in big bonnets competed with silk bows and ruffles adorning the walking dresses and pelisses of the women. Morning coats of various shades of green, blue and maroon were as numerous as that of the staid blacks and navy blues.

Frederica tugged on lace of her pale green sleeves of her walking dress as she walked sedately behind Julia and Healey, some distance from them. She was here as a chaperone, she reminded herself, though she longed to know what they were laughing and talking so animatedly about.

Ignoring the offending organ that was once again making itself known, she turned to her partner, Shearing, who was spotting a deep green morning coat that overlaid a dark brown checkered waistcoat perfectly complimenting the colours of his eyes, fawn-coloured breeches and black Hessians. His addition had been last minute. Just as she and Julia had come out the front door with Healey, the young man had appeared.

When Julia had protested at having him along on the walk, Frederica had said, "But I'll be all alone since his lordship will be with you the entire way. It'd be nice to have a companion of my own, won't it, Julia?"

Julia's eyes flickered, followed by a nod. And then glared menacingly at Shearing, lifting a finger in a threatening wag. "Do not upset my friend again, Shearing. Or you'll have to explain yourself to me."

She jumped in when she saw the man open his mouth to answer. "Of course he wouldn't! He's already apologised the other night, haven't you, Mr Shearing?" He frowned at the wink she gave him but then nodded mutely.

She noted that Healey was watching the entire scene as if it were a play, amusement evident, and barely refrained from rolling her eyes. Trust a man to not notice a romantic rival. It was that or he was so secure in his position that he didn't feel threatened by the presence of another man.

Or he simply didn't care enough about the woman.

Frederica told herself to withhold any judgement until she could observe the pair of them more. They set off for Hyde Park in their respective pairs, with Frederica keeping her distance as much as possible so she could watch them. And Shearing at the same time. The man beside her was attempting to not be affected every time by Julia's laugh, which was frequent and genuine. It was a torture to watch, her pain exacerbated by the fact that Healey — in his usual black morning coat and navy striped waistcoat paired with chocolate brown breeches and similar looking black Hessians — looked to be enjoying himself as well.

What a pair they made.

Maybe she'd let Shearing in on her plan. It might be easier for her to help if she had some assistance. Besides, if Shearing really did love Julia, he wouldn't want someone else to marry her, would he?

"Mr Shearing," she tapped on the sleeve of the man who seemed a veritable giant next to her short statue. However, he was just about the right size for Julia was who a head taller than her. When he turned his gaze to her, she said, "I'd like to propose something which requires your help."

"Certainly, Mrs Brookfield. But first, I..." his look turned contrite. "Thank you for being a friend to Miss Marlowe. I realised I never did express my appreciation to you for it. Lady Welles just informed me that she'd been quite worried about this matter since her debut last Season for Miss Marlowe had been quite lonely then. And even at the beginning of this Season, she hadn't formed any lasting friendships with any of the debutantes." He tugged at his cravat. "And now, I've fallen even further down in my own eyes. It is no wonder I've earned her abhorrence."

Sympathy filled her. Yet it also cheered her for it would mean Shearing was less likely to reject her idea.

"I'm certain you'd like to make amends with her. I can assist you with that, but only if it leads to Julia's happiness. You have to understand that my primary goal is her happiness. If that is with you, our aims align. But if she decides that Healey will make her happy, then that is what I will work towards. Do we have an understanding?"

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