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(Noah's POV)

Today was my 5th birthday and the staff here at the orphanage wanted to throw me a party, but I didn't want one. All the kids pick on me here because some of the big kids do for not playing as much as the other kids and I don't play because they won't let me in groups for that long because I am not good enough at a game. The only place I felt even a little safe was under my bed,... but one of the adults made me come out and go to the cafeteria where the other kids were.

Adult-Come on, it will be fun and there will be cake!

Noah-I don't want to go in there! I just want to be alone! They all pick on me!

Adult-I'm sure you can find friends if you try hard enough... We even have games.

I cried a little when I was forced into the cafeteria and other kids just looked at me. I tried to leave, but the adults would not let me go. They forced me to walk in the middle of the rows of tables for kids to see me go to the 'birthday seat' which is more comfy, but it just means everyone gets a good look at me. Suddenly, someone threw a thing of milk at the chair to soak it.

Adult-Who threw that?!

I heard laughing and they were distracted, so I took this chance to run. When I got out of the cafeteria I tried to find another hiding spot from the adults and everyone else. I started to cry while curing up in a room I locked from the inside.

Noah's mind-I hate being the center of attention! Why do they do this to me?!

(No POV)

The adults searched the orphanage for Noah and found a locked door, so they got the janitor to open it. They found Noah crying and were annoyed with the kids acting like this again. The birthday chair was being taken to be cleaned, but any hope they had for Noah going out there died when he bit someone's hand after trying to guide him back there. They couldn't reward this behavior and took him to a room to be alone with nothing to do for a timeout. It's what he wanted anyway and as the day went by, Noah refused to apologize because if he did they would try to make him celebrate his birthday by force again... Finally, it was time to get ready for bed.

(Noah's POV)

I got out of the shower and nobody did anything because the adults were keeping a close eye on me. The whole day when they told me to think about what I did, I thought about why am I even here?... 

Noah's mind-Is nobody ever going to want me?... Why would they? Nobody cares about me anyway.

When we all got into bed, I heard others making fun of me from their beds until they fell asleep. I stayed up wondering if I was going to be here forever... I don't want to be here forever! I just want to be alone! At least nobody can bully me anymore if I am not here! There's always an emergency bag under the bed that the adults make us keep in case there is a fire and we are in our rooms, so we take it and get on the fire escape from the rooms. I took mine but saw all the food and extra clothes were taken up and filled with wash clothes.

Noah-... *Sniffle*.

I left the bag and quietly opened the window onto the fire escape and left before the adults came back to check on us sleeping. There is nothing for me here, but bullies and stupid adults. The cold air hit me harder the faster my feet ran into the forest surrounding the orphanage. I saw the lights turn out outside which meant they were looking for me outside now, so I an even faster to get out of here.

Noah's mind-Why do you even care that I left?! Just leave me alone!

My feet soon gave out after running and walking for so long, but it looked like nobody was following me anymore. That was until...

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