New Set Up

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(Vita's POV)

Everything was all done and filed for me to take my new pet home. I don't have a name for him yet, but first things first, I need to find out more about what he eats and needs. I already have a pet bed, there's a room at home that I don't even use because I was barely home long enough to use anything else, sedative bath soap, and I have a food and water bowl with a tiny cup because of his lack of a snout and he uses his hands to eat. I just might have to teach him to use the cup. I just need toys for him and maybe I can give him basic puzzle boxes with treats in them for a reward. During the drive home, I think the little guy tuckered himself up from panicking about being locked in a carrier. I checked on him at red lights and his back was showing signs of breathing while he lied on the fleece blanket. He was still whining too.

Vita-We're almost to your new home. After that, I have a whole room for you that I can work on feeling with things for you to do. Let's just get you there and you can adjust to it.

(Noah's POV)

I felt so tired and thirsty from screaming, but I just could not get out of here no matter how hard I tried. The car ride felt super long with that ship ride and that time in that building to put me in this thing with a giant pet bed. When the car stopped again, the blue alien did other things which made me look at her. This time she opened the car door and grabbed a few bags before grabbing my cage. We left the car and I saw a house that we were going to. When we went inside, I hid under the blanket some more. Soon the cage was put down and I heard other noises before there was a few taps on the cage with some of the clicking sounds and weird sounds from the alien. I didn't want to come out until I heard the sound of water pouring and there was a smell of something yummy after. My tummy growled, but...

Noah's mind-This could be a trap... Just wait until she's gone.

I waited until I didn't ere anything for a while and when I peeked out, I saw a bowl of water with a cup next to it and another bowl of fruit. I never saw that kind of fruit before, but it smelled kind of sweet from here. I slowly left the cage and looked for the alien, but then heard footsteps outside of the room, so I went to the bowls and tried the fruit first. When I did...

Noah's mind-This tastes like strawberries! Super tasty strawberries!

I ate some more and used the cup to get some water until my hunger went away, so I wanted to go back into hiding. That's when the blue alien came back in to see me at the bowls still, so I quickly ran away to hide in the bed and blanket. Soon, I felt her petting me from outside the blanket until...

(Vita's POV)


I pulled my hand out of the carrier when he freaked out from my goodbye to him. I'll do something slower-paced for when I come back for the taming and bonding process. I just closed the door to his room to let him explore while I was gone and be safe in that empty room. I had my list on my phone to make sure I got everything. When I left my house to go to the pet store, I got a call from my friend Clove, so I answered it.


Clove-Hey, are you off work, yet?

Vita-Yeah. I even got a week off, so the new guy could get trained by someone else... Also, traveling to a restricted area makes a lot of extra work afterward.

Clove-What are you going to do for your week off? We can go somewhere.

Vita-I... actually got a pet.

Clove-Hey, good for you! What did you get?!

Vita-A creature called a human. He is around 5 or 6 and just... very timid right now.

Clove-You got an exotic pet from your job?!

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