Strained Bonds: Manik's Heartfelt Confession

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Scene starts with date venue.

The night air hung heavy with anticipation, the glow of the city lights outside casting a subtle warmth across the dimly lit venue. Manik shifted uneasily in his seat, glancing at the clock as it relentlessly ticked away the minutes. Prena was late, and the silence of her absence echoed in the hollow spaces of the restaurant.

Unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, Manik's fingers danced anxiously on his phone screen. He dialed Prena's number, hoping for an explanation that would ease the growing knot in his stomach. The phone rang, but Prena's voicemail was the only response he received.

Growing frustration urged him to make a different call. With a sigh, he dialed his mother, Nyonika, seeking solace or perhaps a clue about Prena's whereabouts.

Manik: Hey Mom, have you seen Prena? She's not here yet, and it's already 9 pm. (Manik's voice carried a mix of worry and impatience.)

Nyonika, on the other end, shared in her son's concern. 

Nyonika: No, she hasn't arrived? Are you sure she didn't forget about your date? (Her maternal instincts immediately kicked in.)

Positive that Prena wouldn't forget their plans, Manik explained.

Manik: I tried calling her, but she's not picking up.

Nyonika, sensing her son's growing unease, decided to take matters into her own hands. 

Nyonika: Alright, let me check and get back to you.

In swift movements, Nyonika made her way to Myeesha's room, where she found Prena engrossed in lively conversation with Myeesha, surrounded by debate materials scattered across the room.

Nyonika: Prena, can I talk to you for a few minutes? (Nyonika's calm voice cut through the room, causing both Prena and Myeesha to look up.)

Prena, slightly surprised, nodded and followed Nyonika out of the room. The door closed behind them, leaving a puzzled Myeesha behind.

Nyonika: Manik is waiting for you. Why aren't you with him on your date? (Nyonika's concern was palpable as she confronted Prena.)

Prena hesitated, torn between the commitment she made to Myeesha and the budding relationship with Manik. 

Prena: Oh, mom, it's Myeesha. The debate topic got mixed up, and I'm helping her prepare.

Nyonika's eyes bore into Prena's, a silent plea for understanding passing between them. 

Nyonika: Prena, I appreciate your help, but Manik is waiting. I'll assist Myeesha; you go and enjoy your evening with Manik.

Prena's resolve wavered, but a steadfast commitment to Myeesha held her ground. 

Prena: No, mom, I can't leave Myeesha alone.

Nyonika, realizing the depth of the dilemma, excused herself momentarily to answer Manik's call. She left Prena standing in the hallway, conflicted emotions written across her face.

Manik: Mom, any news? (Manik's voice carried a mix of hope and worry.)

Nyonika, glancing back at Prena, made a split-second decision. 

Nyonika: Prena is here with Myeesha, helping her with something. I'll sort this out.

Manik, unaware of the situation unfolding behind the scenes, remained on the line as Nyonika returned to Prena.

Nyonika: Prena, Manik is waiting for you. You need to go on this date. (Nyonika urged, her voice a blend of understanding and concern.)

Prena, torn between loyalty and love, shook her head. 

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