Yearning Echoes

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A/N: (I'm disheartened by the low votes, just 37, from my silent readers. It's made me hesitant about writing more. I'm not sure what's missing in my writing that's not encouraging votes. Please share your feedback so I can improve; I'm just a hobbyist writer, not a pro. I upload chapters every 4 to 5 days, each over 2000 words. Your votes and input mean a lot to me. Thanks to those who've already voted!)


After her usual yoga session, Nandini felt a sense of determination to mentally prepare herself for the upcoming meeting with Manik. She decided it would be best to avoid any unnecessary interactions with him for the day.

She picked up her phone and messaged Manik.

Nandini: Hey Manik, I'm not feeling well today, so I won't be coming to the gym.

Manik's response came promptly.

Manik: Oh no, take care, Nandini. If you're not feeling up to it, you should take a day off from the office as well. Your health comes first.

Nandini appreciated Manik's concern but remained firm in her decision. 

Nandini: Thank you, Manik. I'll do that. I'll take the day off and rest. See you soon.

With that, their chat ended, and she focused on preparing herself mentally for the next day. She knew it would be challenging to face Manik after realizing her feelings for him, but she was determined to handle it with grace.

After messaging Manik, As she went about her morning routine, thoughts of her dream and the realization of her feelings for Manik lingered in her mind. She couldn't shake off the intensity of emotions that had surfaced during that dream-like moment, and it weighed heavily on her as she prepared for the day.

As she stood under the soothing spray of the shower, the warm water cascading over her skin, Nandini let her mind wander. She replayed the scene from her dream, the way Manik's eyes had held a world of unspoken emotions, and the way her heart had fluttered at his touch. It was a moment she couldn't forget, no matter how hard she tried to push it aside.

Once she was dressed and ready, Nandini sat down with a cup of tea, trying to find a sense of calm amidst the storm of conflicting emotions within her. She thought about Manik's genuine concern for her well-being, reflected in his messages about taking the day off if she wasn't feeling well.

After this, Nandini's mind and heart engaged in a relentless debate of emotional conflict. Her mind urged her to maintain distance, reminding her of Manik's married life and his responsibilities as a father. Yet, her heart whispered of her growing feelings for Manik, admitting that she is in love with him. Memories flooded her mind – the moments from their trip, how Manik motivated her to conquer her fear of heights, the playful cream fight, the exhilarating aerial yoga session, and the lingering sensation of their kiss.

Deep down, Nandini knew that Manik had secured a place in her heart, a cherished corner she would treasure for life. She appreciated the way Manik respected her space and didn't pressure her, which brought her a sense of peace. However, the reality of Manik's marital status and fatherhood responsibilities brought her back to reality, reminding her to control her emotions and maintain a respectable distance.

By midday, her mind had settled into a state of quiet resolve. She knew that she couldn't avoid Manik forever, especially since they worked in the same office and crossed paths frequently. But for today, she needed the space to gather her courage and face him with a clear mind tomorrow.

With a deep breath, She busied herself with household chores, finding solace in the mundane activities that helped her stay grounded.


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