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Haha! Did I scare you all? I'm kidding! Read...


“Ye bhi fek dijiyega,”

He spoke the words so causally before he stepped back. He touched me and asked them to throw me away as well.
The play was good, but the deform of someone who has done wrong isn't.

“You nauseate me, Jasvanthya! You went to a brothel!”

“For work! Samaira, for work!”

“Accha? Aap kabse vaishya ban gaye?” I asked him with no second guess of deformation, how I portray myself, all my sophistication flowed descent. And I was left bare with an utterly disgusting appearance, and of course the touch. 

He stepped backwards, his eyes asking the servant to leave us alone. “Words and words, I have spoken for your assurance. Appealed to you for your trust, not once, not twice but with every word ever uttered to you was of myself, onto for your end conclusion to be what? A mistrust! How many times have I told you, Samaira!”

“Indeed! You have only spoken! Jasvanthya! Can your actions hold accountability that you proved me, otherwise? Even on the day of our marriage! I was the one to beg you for your contemplation! Words you returned me! But action? You disposed of me on our wedding night, was it loath? That you didn't want me? I wanted you! I gestured to you! That I need it. I was the one affirming to you, that I need you! All you did was speak!” I accused him, of what had been eating me since.
“You never showed me you loved or cared! You speak, and do you know Jasvanthya? Well, your words can be manipulated! But your actions will always reflect honesty! The way you stepped outside from our bed that night, only to enter the servant quarters where your real lover resides?”
Unsure where the rage was, for the first time though, leaving my refinement I was being a hasty brat, a spoiled maniac. The impolite impudent.

He met my sight so fiery, “I think you should go to your father's house Samaira."
He gave action today.

A husband sending his wife on his own will to her father's house is declaring he doesn't need her anymore.
Surely he doesn't, “And I don't need to tell you that when a husband does that, he himself goes to bring back his wife, in most cases when he needs an heir." He informed me of the obvious before he continued. “And I would never need an heir, because Daharthya is the king, and Raajvanshya is already here.”

He declared that he abandoned me.

“Of course, with pleasure! A brothel struck, a man in love with his maid! It would only degrade my worth to remain attached to you.”



“Sammy? Are you feeling better now?” I heard Somvarth from outside the door, I closed my eyes when he entered your bedroom, his body approaching closer inside the room.

He footed around and seated presumably on the stool in a semblance of my bed.
“I comprehend you are not dozing, not that you are unwell,” He caught me, but I still didn't unfurl my eyes.

“It's a matter of time before your abdomen starts to grow, we cannot hide from our father, that you are pregnant. Your condition yearns to tell Rajput about your pregnancy so Jasvanthya will reciprocate to take you back...”

My eyes unfurl, “Take me back? I do not need to be taken back, Somvarth!” I shouted.

His long sight held me before he sighed commemorating my stomach under the blanket, “You need to be taken back. Your situation, and your presence in Rathore Mahal, are creating commotion in your name and Rathore's name. After one month of marriage, you returned. We all know, how that's perceived. And now, not even reverting things, when when you pregnant? That's a complete declaration!” he tried to convince me.

The Vicious Love Of Royals (Politically Royal Love Collection Novella BOOK) Where stories live. Discover now