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Last night, I walked to the grocery store across the street

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Last night, I walked to the grocery store across the street. I bought a huge bag of laundry powder, a bottle of soju, and a tall can of Kelly malt-liquor. It all came to thirteen dollars. Then I went home and cooked a shitload of beef in a large skillet.

I looked at Rice-Boy Larry. "I'm very upset that your brother isn't talking to me."

He said, "He wants you to go home."

"That's called an ultimatum. I don't like ultimatums. To me, they are just as pernicious as blackmail."

Larry shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you."

"Is he still talking to you?"

He nodded. "Of course he's talking to me. He's my brother."

"Yeah, but I'm his father."

"It's a different dynamic."

I put some meat on his plate. I also gave him a generous dollop of spicy sauce to complement the meal.

He said, "What the fuck is this red stuff?"

"It goes great with beef. Yet be very careful. It's extremely powerful and will melt your teeth."

He gave it a try, and his eyes lit up like a pinball machine. Then he started sucking down water like a thirsty man in the desert.

"Jesus Christ!"

I nodded and smiled. "I told you to be cautious. It has a kick."

The food tasted great. I drank a full bottle of soju while chomping on my vittles, and it gave me a delightful buzz. Soju is the most popular alcoholic beverage on the planet. And I can see why. It's both cheap and potent. Plus it goes well with beef, pork, chicken, and sashimi.

After dinner, I sat on the sofa and watched Netflix. I'm currently enjoying a Swedish drama called A Nearly Normal Family. It's about a teenage girl who is sexually abused by the men in her life. It's actually a compelling show. If you got the time and you don't mind reading subtitles, then go ahead and give it a try.

I fell asleep at 11 p.m. and had a dream about a small doll with a demon's head. It had a ghoulish smile and was wearing a green hat modeled after the cap that Robin Hood used to wear back in the day. I sat up at 2 a.m. convinced that something evil was in my room. Yet I soon settled down after taking a piss.

I eventually woke up at 9 a.m. and drank a cup of instant coffee. Then I read the headlines on my smartphone while enjoying a satisfying bowel movement. I don't know if you motherfuckers remember a movie called Parasite. It's a Korean film that won the Oscar a few years ago.

 Anyway, one of the lead actors was a guy named Lee Sun-kyun. The cops were on his back over drug use, so Mr. Lee killed himself to escape further investigation into his life. Lots of Koreans commit suicide every year. Clinical depression runs rampant here on the peninsula.

I viewed pornography for two hours as I relaxed in bed. My favorite videos featured a large-breasted Brazilian lady named Tina Fire. In one short film, she's doing a gangbang with two other hot Latinas. Their antics really turned me on. 

Sometimes, I like masturbation more than actual sex. It's both satisfying and uncomplicated. Women often make my life miserable. I'm better off without them.

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