Drinking and Driving

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Yesterday, I woke up at 9 a.m. and slurped on a cup of instant coffee. Then I read the headlines on my smartphone while taking a nasty shit. A cop from the city of Gwangju got caught driving under the influence of soju. It's the fourth time this year that an officer of the law from Gwangju has been arrested on the suspicion of DUI. Consequently, the captain of the police department is asking all the men to stop drinking until April 11th. Public transportation in South Korea is very reasonably priced. So becoming blitzed on booze and getting behind the wheel is a bit senseless in my opinion. But what do I know?

I called my mother using Facebook Messenger.

I said, "Is Sis still there?"

She nodded her head. "She's out on the patio eating a piece of cake."

"How's she doing?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "All right, I guess."

"Is she still upset about her job?"

"Of course. Those assholes really screwed her. But she's decided that it's water on the bridge."

I took a sip of generic cola. "Well, that's the best attitude to have. No point on dwelling on bad news. She needs to get on with her life."

"That's exactly what I told her."

I watched a couple hours of porn while relaxing in bed. I viewed several full-length Italian movies that were made back in the 80's and 90's. All the women were very beautiful. My favorite actress was a lady named Selen. She's got a fantastic body and a wonderful set of jugs. I really had a wonderful time.

After that, it was time to clean the bathrooms and do the laundry. The whole process took several hours. These days, my existence is nothing but toil. Yet I try my best not to complain. Life could always be worse. At least I'm not living in the Congo and getting ass raped by the natives. 

I downloaded the latest episode of Shogun. Once again, it was brilliant. This miniseries is destined to become a classic. If my prediction is wrong, then I'll gladly eat shit and die.

At six p.m., I took Rice-Boy Larry across the road for Napalm chicken. I drank a bottle of soju and a big can of Kelly beer while chomping on my poultry.

Larry said, "I have a sore throat."

"Holy crap. That's terrible. Do you think you have the flu?"

He shook his head. "Probably not. I don't have a fever."

"You should have told me earlier. I would have made you soup."

"I'm not a big fan of soup."

I changed the subject. "How's school going?"

"OK. I'm doing well in all my subjects."

I gave him the thumbs-up sign. "That's my boy. So you're kicking ass and taking names, huh?"

"Well, things aren't that good. I'm competent, but I never really excel. For instance, I'm not at the top of any of my subjects."

"Don't be too hard on yourself. I've never excelled at anything, either. I'm as mediocre as they come."

We eventually got home at 8 a.m., and I sat on the sofa and turned on Netflix. I'm still enjoying that show called Super Sex. I find it dirty yet captivating at the same time.

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