Broken Bone

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Yesterday, I was in the middle of teaching one of my classes when there came a gentle rapping at my door. The kids all looked to the back of the room as the nurse poked her head in.

She smiled at me. "Larry needs to see the doctor."

My pupils let out a giant sigh of sympathy in unison.

I said, "Why? What's wrong?"

"It's his foot. He's been limping for the past week."

I nodded in agreement. "He exercises way too much. He's always playing basketball."

"His big toe is very swollen. I fear that it might be broken."

The children let out another sigh to show their sympathy.

I said, "He was supposed to go to the doctor's office, but he blew it off."

She gave me the stink eye. "Maybe you should take him. You're his father after all."

I nodded in agreement. "You're absolutely right. I'll do it right after school."

When the last bell sounded signaling the end of the day, I scoured the campus looking for Rice-Boy. And wouldn't you know it. He was on the courts, playing a game of hoops with his buddies. Even with a fucked up toe, he was really schooling that group of chumps. They simply couldn't stop him.

I said, "Come on. It's time to see the doctor."

"For the love of Christ, my toe is fine."

All his friends snorted and giggled.

I said, "Not according to the nurse. She seems to think that an amputation might be required."

"What a pain in the ass."

More laughter from the peanut gallery.

To make a long story even more unbearable, we caught the bus and found a clinic. He was given an x-ray, and it was soon confirmed that my boy has a fracture. There's not much you can actually do for toes. So they wrapped his tootsie up in gauze and put his foot in a plastic boot. He has to take it easy for the next month.

The entire visit came to fifty bucks. Not bad, in my humble opinion.

I called his mother on the ride home.

She said, "What you want?"

"Larry broke one of his bones."

"Where he now?"

"With me on the bus."

She let out an exasperated groan. "Solly, but I can't hewp you now. I must work tomollow. Maybe I dwive dere dis weekend."

"That's really not necessary. He's fine. I just wanted to let you know."

"Did he see da doctah?"


"How much you pay?"

"Fifty dollars."

"Fifty dollah! Dat way too muchee. Send me da phone numbah. I have many qustion."

"Maybe later. First, I have to go to the store to buy jelly donuts."

The Dragon Lady is the queen when it comes to making scenes. The last thing I need is for her to break the balls of the doctors and nurses. Larry has to return to the clinic next Monday, and I don't want anything interfering with his recovery.

We eventually got home at 7 p.m., and I made Chinese dumplings and French fries for dinner. I cooked everything in my Phillips air fryer. That machine is absolutely wonderful.

Then I sat on the sofa and watched the penultimate episode of Ripley. Once again, it proved to be a treasure. I'm going to finish the series tonight. I'm enjoying every minute of the show.

A Fool in KoreaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang