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I shake my head, "I need you to understand that Gally is one in a billion. I don't know how to explain or even describe how I feel, with you or Gally."

He looks me dead in the eyes, "Think of it this way. Gally may be one in a billion. He strong, mighty, somewhat loyal. But I can be one in another billion to you. You just need to accept that you and Gally made bad choices and need to let go of each other or your life is going to be attached to one another with a toxic bond."

My brows furrowed, I twiddle my thumbs, looking bad at this glade, "I can't get over him." My voice cracks, looking back down at my hands.

He smiles in comfort, "You will. All you need is time and patience."
"I will wait for you. However long. A month, a year, 20 years or even a lifetime, all I know is that I'm falling in love with you, even from the moment you peeked your head from the box, I knew I wanted everything to do with you."

I smile, a tear rolled down my face, "Are you being truthful?"

He nods his head, "Unfortunately. I wanted you even when you were with Gally."

Hearing the word Gally made my heart melt. Immediately I gave Minho a hug, resting my head against his shoulder.

He sniffles, "Whoever you choose, y/n, whether you choose anyone, just know that I'll always have a love for you."

I nod my head gently, pulling my way out of the hug.

After that meltful moment with Minho, we went down from the wall, marking the maze, we get a good glimpse of how it's built and scripted.

As we return to the glade, we see a bunch of gladers, literally waiting on the edge of their seats for us, "Oh shit." I murmur to Minho.

I bit my lip and furrow my brows, waiting for them to say something and yell at us.

Izzy walks up to me, "Where have you guys been?!"

I give her an evil look, quickly Minho responded, "Just went for a stroll. We're not stupid, we brought equipment."

Lizzie stares at infrared anger, "How dare you?! We warned you about this! And go and betray the rules like little children!" She points her finger at us, mostly me.

My eyes roll back, "What are you so scared of?! You guys are a bunch of pussies. You hide behind these walls, praying to God to bring you more food from the WCKD who put us here. Don't you think you want a little payback? You haven't seen the beautiful world, the green vines, the views, the glistening sand and the bright sun that shines away from the trees!"

Her jaw clenched, "I don't give a shit. You both are punished. No food for 3 days."

My eyes narrow, crossing my arms, Minho almost does the same but stares at her in disbelief.

My lips part, "But that might kill us!"

She smirks, "No it won't. It'll just make you as weak as possible to not step a goddamn foot into that maze again."

Newt tries to but in, but Lizzie stops him, his brows furrowed at me.

I look over at Gally, he almost backs her decision, but I know deep down that this is wrong and a horrible punishment.

The next three days were torture, it felt as though my bones were rubbing against each other so bad that I couldn't move, I just stayed curled up in a ball on my bed.

It was raining, I used to love rain, the way it smelt, the patter on the roof, but now I don't have the energy or strength to think about it.

The door creaks open, I hear small footsteps approach infront of me. My vision is blurry, so I can't make out what they look like, but the voice is sure is rememberable, "Y/n."
It was Gally.

I managed to weakly ask, "Gally?"

He shushes me, whispering, "Eat this." He brings a piece of bread to my lips. Instinctively I munch on it, keeping Gally in my mind of being there. He brings his hand to my forehead, "You'll be better."

He then quickly walks out of the door, my eyes widen, realizing what just happened. I managed to quickly fall asleep with that experience easing my thoughts.

I wake up to the sound of cheering from outside, I check it out seeing that Minho had made a race track to test people's speed and stamina.

His eyes lock with mine, waving his hand over to him, I approach him, he pulls me to the side, "You doing good now?"

I nod my head, "Thank god the punishment is over, I'm gonna beat your ass on this track."

He chuckles, "Thankfully I gave you that bread last night, otherwise I think you'd faint from just sitting up."

I stop in my path, speechless. I thought it was Gally?

Minho calls me over to the track, my mind was filled with mindless thoughts of what happened last night. I must have been hallucinating. Why was I hallucinating Gally when it was Minho?

Before I know it the whistle was blown and we were running down the track, he was well in front of me, because of all the thoughts roaming in my head. He crosses the finish line before me.

He is heavy breathing, looking at me nothing even panting, "You didn't even try!" He groans.

I gulp, trying to shake the thoughts about Gally, "I was just giving you a warmup."

We line up on the start, I put my left leg infront of my right, leaning down, eyes turnt towards the finish line. As soon as I hear a slightest sound of the whistle I take off. I keep my chest high, with my arms close together, keeping my breath steady.

Minho falls close behind me as we reach the end. I laugh at his defeat, feeling as I reach my peak.

Gally doesn't smile, just gives me a cold glare. I look at the floor, leant over, something didn't feel right, my heart was racing more than usual. I began to see white noise in my eyes and I start to get dizzy.
My stomach flips as I vomit onto the grass. Minho runs up to me, quickly catching me as soon as I black out.

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