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Dear Diary,

Me and Gally have never been better. It's been 3 months with him back and it's like a dream everyday.

A con is that I'm ill. I haven't physically been the same since I fainted. Alby says it might be because I'm losing a lot of weight from running a lot, so I've been warned to cut back on that, I have also been throwing up a lot and he also says that because of my eating patterns. I'm trying my best.

Everyday I wake up and go to get some food and see Minho sitting by himself. It puts me off my food. I've never felt so guilty in my life. He completely admits his feelings to me from over the past 5 years and I dismiss them like it's nothing to me. But it means everything to me. I can't lose Minho, he's my best friend in the whole world, I can't talk to him because it's so awkward after we shared our kiss together.

I feel soft kisses on my forehead, I squirm, trying to bury myself into my pillow, turning onto my stomach. A large weight is placed on top of me, I groan loudly, "Aw, thought you liked this?" Gally chuckles kissing the back of my head.

I turn back over, pushing him to the other side of the bed, "Let me sleep fatty."

He gasp sarcastically, kicking my hip, I yell dramatically loudly in pain, "Cowbag."

Gally grins, grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him, "Goodmorning smelly. Did I make you tired from last night?" He buries his face into my neck, making me ticklish.

I giggle, trying to push him away, "Nope. Just thinking."

His brow raises, "Thinking about what?"

I turn to face him, sighing, "Thinking about how fucking annoying you are."

His eyes roll back, "Rude."

I give him a smooch on his nose and he kisses my chin. I pull away from him quickly, feeling a pit in my stomach and it slides up to my throat, my heart skips a beat and realizes I'm about to vomit.

Gally looks at me in concern as my hand swings to my mouth, "What?"

I say nothing with widen eyes, hurriedly running out of the hut with just a bra and shorts on all the way across the glade to the bathroom, completely making a mess of the toilet bog.

Gally follows quickly behind me in his pj pants, "Are you okay?!" His hands reach for my hair, holding it up.

I nod my head, "Yeah." Immediately throwing back into the toilet.
Gally reaches for paper, wiping my mouth with it.

The door swings open, Newt stands in the doorway, "Shit. This is some kinky stuff."

Gally groans, "Get out Newt!"
Newt slams the door behind him.

Everyone is laughing at each other at an eating contest of a watermelon. Newt, Chuck, Izzy and Lizzie were the main contestants.

"You guys are so immature!" Gally laughs, sitting next to me and brushing his hand on my leg.

My eyes look over at Minho, his back against the wooden wall, he is looking blankly at the floor, twiddling his fingers together.

Gally immediately notices who I'm looking at me let's go of my leg, averting his attention somewhere else.

I turn my head to Gally, whispering, "I'm gonna go talk to Minho, ok?"

Gally hesitantly nods, I kiss his check, walking over to Minho. Gally's eyes wander my body all the way towards him, jealously pouring from his dark eyes.

I take a deep breath and gulp, "Hello, Minho."

His brows raise as soon as he notices me, he displays a small smile, I know it's not real, "What's up?" He asks.

I sit myself behind him, also leaning my back onto the wall, "I don't really know what to say. All I know is that I'm sorry."

He scoffs, chuckling, "Why you sorry?"

I shrug, playing with the grass beneath me, "It seems you look sad seeing me and Gally together because of what happened in the maze."

His eyes narrow, "Where'd you get that idea?"

I look back at him, replying, "Newt said that you've been looking at me in some sort of way ever since I gave up in the box. And apparently you give Gally dirty looks."

Minho giggles, clearing his throat, "He's right. I don't think Gally is right for you."

My breath quickens, eyes narrowing, "And you think you're any better?" I respond bitterly.

His arms cross, confidently conveying, "Yes, I do. I think I can give you things that he won't even think of."

I scoff dramatically, "Like what?"

He shrugs slightly, "Not to be a jerk. Not to be an asshole. Not to cheat on you."

My eyes roll back, "You're coming off to be an asshole right now, Minho."
"Just because I rejected you doesn't mean for you to insult Gally. You need to respect that I chose Gally. Not you. It's always been him, and one kiss from another boy isn't going to change that!"

Minho stares at me blankly, a slight cheesy grin hung his lip, "I'll wait for you, y/n. For as long as it takes for you accept that Gally is just a horrible person and you deserve better."

I clench my jaw, feeling my teeth clash, "I know you will Minho. But I can't do Gally like this. I HAVE to pick him."

He holds up his hands in defeat, "Lovely talk, y/n. Have fun with your soon-to-be-abusive husband."
He bows as I hold up my middle finger, quickly retreating over to Gally.

He raises a brow, grabbing my right hand and holds in with his, "What was that about?"

I shake my head, "Degrading me about my running skills."

Night came quickly and everybody was hanging around the bonfire. I was laying in between Gally's legs with my head on his chest, he is playing with my hair.

"Do you think our babies will have strawberry blonde hair or brunette hair?" I query, bitting my lip.

He grins, "Ginger hair is more dominant then brunette."

I pull apart from him, holding my finger up to him, "I am NOT ginger."

He chuckles, pulling me back down towards his chest, "Whatever you say shank."

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