Chapter 29

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I Hope this new year brings lot of happiness and joy in your life and may you always laugh and enjoy everyday.

This is one more chapter for you on this happy occasion, I hope you like it.


Holly stood between the girls and Katherine, in a protective way.

One of the girls sneered "Oh, so now the little girl of the viscount is so brave" And pushed her to the side as Holly fell on the floor.

She cried in pain when a girl put stomped on her hand.

Katherine who was silent till now has enough of this, she did nothing but swept her fingers and all the girls were now drenched in ice cold water.

They shivered when a cold breeze blew past them. The bell rang, class was over.

Katherine lifted Holly to her feet and left the classroom with her.

Holly just looked at Katherine as she dragged her to the infirmary.

Her right hand was swellen and she would not be able to use it for a while.

After leaving Holly in the nurse's care and telling Luna to watch over her she left for her next class which happened to be archery.

She reached the grounds and took a bow and some arrows.

Drake waved towards her, he has the same class as her and the other guys were in different classes so basically he and Katherine will be taking a class without the disterbance caused by others.

Katherine reached towards him and waved.

"So Katherine have you improved in archery or is it still as bad as before" he said teasingly.

She glared at him and took out a arrow and positioned it on her bow.

Aiming towards the target she released it and it hit the corner of the board.

Drake laughed loud at her .

"WOW, Katherine a good one indeed" he told.

Katherine just ignored him and aimed one more time but now also it hit the corner.

Shaking his head Drake came closer to her and from behind stretched his hands and took the bow and arrow and placed it in her hands, positioned right and aiming.

Katherine just looked back at him and he smiled "Look in front"

She looked in front at the target as he helped her aim, guiding her hands with his hands over them, they were really close.

They were in a position in which if Xander saw them he will surely not hesitate to cut Drake's head.

Drake was thinking the same thing. The arrow was released and it hit right in centre of the target.

Katherine smiled a little but when she saw the position in which they both were she blushed from the inside.

Drake also stepping back scratched his head.

Katherine practiced more by his guidance and was doing well.

Drake stared at the girl who was sweeting a lot while practicing, he can't help but remember that day when everything in his heart started.


It a summer day,hot and dry. He was practicing in his garden with his sword. His great grandfather the late Great Duke achieved many things in the war between the humans and the demons.

His family has basically sworn to protect this country.

He was the second son of the house and wished to become a knight in future and get a title for himself by his own efforts.

His mother was a really strict woman who hated the idea of him becoming a knight, she wanted him to compete with her elder brother for the duchy.

She prepared him strictly for that day when he will success the duchy since a young age and will always say that he was a useless person if he can't even success the duchy.

Drake was disappointed as he was scolded again today for not doing the paper work she gave him and also got a beating.

He was barely an eight year old boy and the beating was severe. He had several bruises on his body. He never liked to talk to anyone. He wanted give up on his dream and do what his mother was saying but it was when she came.

He met her first at her birthday but the girl didn't even paid attention, first time a girl rejected her. He didn't care if she was a commoner.

He was walking in the garden in the capital when he saw her sitting on the bench alone.

He went to sit beside her,he don't know why he did that but he is happy that he did.

As he sat at the bench Katherine looked at him and stared for a while before saying "Doing what others want you to do will always bring you pain"

He looked at her astonished, did she knew something.

"What if doing what others say is in your destiny" he found him saying.

"Your actions decide your destiny, if you will do what others say then it will become your destiny, you will lose yourself while fulfilling others wishes so it's better to do what you want" she said to him.

"If I started to do what I want then no one will be with me" Drake said.

"Don't worry I will be with you and support you" she replied and gave him a little smile.

That was when he started crying,after all he was just a kid who was pressurised with responsibilities since he was just four.

Katherine put his sobbing head on her shoulder and patted his head in a rythm.

It was obviously Katherine's instinct from her previous life.

Soon he fell asleep and when he woke up Katherine was nowhere to be seen, it was just him lying on the bench with a thin blanket covering him.

It was the day he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life like she said that she will be with him.

Flashback End*

Drake was brought out from his thoughts when the bell rang ending the class and also his precious time with Katherine.

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