Chapter 38

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A/n: Hey, guys I'm back and early, well writing has become kind of my addiction so even I still have two exams left but I am here with a new chapter so enjoy and please wish I get some good grades.


Katherine woke up to the voice of someone screaming and shout. She tried to move but something strong around her waist held her in place.

She opened her eyes a little to see a ferocious Lucas standing at her door.

"Xander, you....what are you doing in my sister's bed" he said containing his anger as much as he could.

"Geez, Lucas, I am sleeping, so just go away" Xander said throwing a pillow towards him and snuggled into Katherine more.

Lucas opened and closed his fist, he doesn't want to wake up his sister so he is refraining himself from going on full on war against him.

But when Xander hugged his sister tightly, he lost the last bit of calmness he had and jumped on him.

" dare you" Lucas shouted and dragged Xander out of Katherine's bed, her room into the hallway.

"You.. don't get ahead of yourself otherwise I will rip you apart..." Lucas lectured him but Xander just yawned and rubbed his eyes to rub the sleep away.

"Are you even listening" Lucas slapped him on his head when Xander was fooling around.

"What the hell man, don't be a grumpy uncle" Xander mocked.

Lucas sighed at him, there was no gain saying this "You know this are really serious"

"You better ask you dad about who did he offend so much that he wants to kill Katherine" Xander said, his voice completely changed from earlier to a serious one.

"I bet he knows who is after her" he left after saying this, he has some other work to do as well.

The Darks, he founded a really interesting thing about them and from what he got their leader is going to appear at the guild on the weekend.

Xander's lips hooked up at the thought of meeting the leader. Oh how excited he is! Maybe he should bring some gifts for his beloved fiancée.

He smirked going out of the mansion, after all there was a lot to prepare.


Katherine looked out from the window of her room at the setting sun, which turned the sky into multiple vibrant colours,  looking beautiful.

She was ready to go, she has dyed her hair black and changed her eyes to black colour too, no one can recognise her like this.

Today was the day, after being in this room for a whole week she was going out, to the business gathering as the leader of the one and only Darks.

The Darks, there is no one who has not heard this name, it was an information guild and as well as a merchant guild too.

People never knew the one who led the guild but knew that it was someone powerful and not someone to mess with.

After the Darks came into existence two years ago, many organisations which went against them met their doom. Many want to form alliance with them,many nobles and many merchant and today would be no different.

Everyone will just try to please each other with sugar coated words to profit more.

Katherine swirled her hand to open the magic portal, to teleport herself to the place but nothing happened.

She sighed as she went to the drawer to get out a mana stone. She crushed it and all the mana was absorbed by her body as it glow for just a second.

"It should be enough to get there" Katherine mumbled to herself as she closed the drawer.

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