Chapter 32

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Days passed, seasons passed but still there was no sign of Damian. Katherine sat at the window of her room staring at the letter in her hand, it was from Damian.


Lady Katherine,

I am really sorry to be late but I am stuck here, that day when I was to return, we found something else and investigated it and we found something that might be unbelievable but true. I was on my way back when we were ambushed by demons, many of us killed and many severely injured which includes me.

Till the time you have got this letter it would have been many days, after recovering we have been trying to sneak out of the kingdom many time but the efforts have been futile. Now even I am struggling with how to get out but don't worry I will be there this next month at last with some big news on my hands.



Katherine was thinking about something when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" she said.

Anne opened the door and came in.

"Miss it's time for lunch" Anne informed.

Katherine nodded at her and stood up. She put the letter back in the envelope and then in her personal space.

After straightening her dress Katherine went out of the room towards the cafeteria.  The day was pleasant and sunny but her mood surely was not. She doesn't know what Damian found out but she has found something too.

Her mind was on the letter she received in the morning, a challenge letter to be precise.


The cafeteria was noisy as always, filled with the clatter of dishes and students chatting with each other.

At the seat in a corner beside the window sat a group of people, most of them glaring  at each other for many different reasons.

Katherine was just sitting and sipping her soup slowly her mind in a turmoil over many different things.

Xander has far noticed something wrong and was silently staring at her trying to figure out what was making her so disturbed. Inside he was ready to slit the throat of anyone who made her upset.

The others also seemed to notice the awkward atmosphere and looked at her then at each other with the looks asking what was wrong.

Well, no one has the answer to this.

Lucas coughed to ease the silence and asked "Katherine I saw that you are entering the hunt taking place in a few days"

Hearing his words Katherine looked up and nodded.

"So what are you going to fight with? You should know that no magic is allowed and also no magical weapons" Xander asked her mocking. It was no secret that with her strength she can't use weapons, even though it has been many years but she is still as weak as she was before.

"Bow" she answered monotonously.

Xander sneered at her words, in this hunt she is going to do nothing but exaust herself.

"Do you even know how to use that?"

"Drake taught me in our archery classes" she said.

As soon as these words left her lips Drake froze and shivered.

He looked towards Xander who has a deadly look in his eyes and at Lucas who didn't look pleased either.

He still remembered what Alisteir suffered at the hands of Xander when he spent time with Katherine and trust him the punishment by the devil himself will be better than his.

Xander looked calm on the outside but anyone who looked in his eyes will know that he was not pleased and the person with whom he was not pleased should start counting his days as his survival is really difficult.

The day of the hunt was not faraway and Xander was getting that bad feeling.

He has got some information from his shadow guard that someone was trying to reach Irene with bad intentions. He is really furious, not at the person but at his incapability that he can't find the whereabouts of the said person.


The day of the hunt came soon and the hunt started. Almost all the boys in the academy has participated in the hunt.

Katherine has been deep inside the forest decided for the hunting location.  It had been really diffucult to shake of all the boys who had been following her all day.

Katherine got off her horse and looked around,  not seeing anyone she said in a bored tone "You can get out of there and if you really want to hide you didn't do a good job"

A deep chuckle broke through the air as one by one shadows came out of the dense trees that enveloped the area around her darkly.

"I thought you were really oblivious to your surroundings as when ever my brother hid you will not even notice a bit" Carlos said coming in front of his lackies.

"Then you should know that your brother is better that you, I never know when he comes behind me" Katherine praised Xander to annoy Carlos.

Everyone in the two Kingdoms knew that these brothers don't get along well in any way.

"But Katherine you are really foolish to come here alone, who doesn't know how weak the adopted daughter of the Duke is in terms of strength and your magic is of no use here" he laughed.

Katherine gave him a crooked smile and pulled out the sword from the scabbard. The sword was thin as a sheet and sharp as the wind,also light as feather. It was made out of a metal she made herself so she can use swords with draining her energy to some extent.

She studied the sword for a while before throwing it in the direction of Carlos as it went around touching each person and destroying the beautiful illusion. It was something same like a hologram in her previous life.

The sword returned to her. Suddenly a clapping sound reached her ears and the person clapping came out of the shadows.

"Well done, nothing less to expect from the leader of the Darks" The person said after stop clapping.

"Who are you?" she asked him.

"Oh, Kathy, trust me I also want to tell you who I am but you see it's not the time yet, till the time comes why don't you play with my men" he said and vanished in a thick smoke.

Katherine noticed the many men that surrounded her with wicked and winning smiles.

"Miss,Katherine didn't you say that we should say a hi to our leader on your behalf, now why don't you say it yourself" the person who always led the dumb group of the assassins send for her assassination said pointing towards a man who was supposedly their leader.

They attacked her and she blocked it with her sword.

This sword was light but it can't be used for swordfighting and it bent when the other sword clashed with it.

The people laughed but Katherine remained neutral, when they thought that they have won she smiled "I think you might have forgot that I am the daughter of the darkness".

She crossed her hands and pulled them back. Then area was soon enveloped in pitch black darkness and she did what she thought was best at the moment, she ran.

She ran for the first time in her life.

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