🔐Aftermath, full moon🔐

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⚠️TW- Mentions of abuse!!⚠️

For three days, I've suffered more than what I'm used to. Max hurt me in more ways than one, Jackson also joined in and left permanent scars on my body along with Max's.

His parents don't care what he does, they aren't even here when he hurts me and I think that's why he is the way he is.

I was sore, bruised and covered with healing wounds. I couldn't move properly and I ended up collapsing out of hunger and pain, Max left me to suffer as punishment for the incident at school.


I'm now at the cemetery with Isaac as Max was busy with Jackson, Lydia and Allison." Esme, can I clean your wounds and give you something to eat?" Isaac asks nervously.

I softly nodded and Isaac cleaned my wounds up, I felt every sting, every wound being traced with the cotton balls." I'm sorry he's doing this to you, it's not your fault," Isaac says softly.

"Neither is your dad hurting you your fault," I tell him gently leaning against him." We deserve a soft epilogue after all this," Isaac says softly kissing my head." We do, I hope we get that," I say softly smiling.

I wasn't going to school today as I didn't feel well enough to go and Dad noticed I was fainting a lot so he gave me the day off.

I've just received a text from Stiles that Scott is out of control, punched Danny in the face, Jackson and Scott are now co-captains, and Stiles is officially first fine. "Unbelievable Scott," I muttered.

"Esme?" Derek says softly as he enters my room." Derek? You okay?" I asked softly." I'm okay, just found out I'm wanted so not all great," Derek says." Are you okay?" Derek wonders." Been better," I admit.

"Show me," Derek says." What? No! I'm not showing anyone anything!" I said firmly." I should kill that bastard!" Derek says growling." Why do you give a shit?!" I shouted.

"Because I had a sister your age! She's dead and I vowed to protect someone who needs protection!" Derek yells." I don't want your protection or help! Don't you or them get it?!" I yelled.

"He'll ruin my life, theirs and those I love just because he wants to," I shouted crying. I broke down on the floor and Derek gently held me." You need to get out," Derek says softly."I'm trying," I said softly." But I can't find a way out," I say shakily.

"I'll help you, we all will, just talk to us Es," Derek says softly stroking my hair backwards." He's damaged me, I'm broken Derek who is going to want that?" I said softly crying." Someone who truly loves you would love all of you," Derek says softly kissing my head.

I stayed in Derek's arms and fell asleep in his arms." Go to sleep, Esme, you need to sleep," Derek says softly kissing my head and leaving my room.


So I'm home alone watching movies whilst Stiles is busy dealing with an out-of-control Scott. I'm feeling less tired and more awake. I'm eating my cereal when my window starts opening up and I receive a text from Stiles.

I look up and jump in fright when I see Scott with a dark look in his eyes."S-Scott?" I stutter out slowly.

I stayed on the bed and Scott approached me."Scott?!" I said a bit louder. Scott looked at me with yellow eyes flashing at me.

He jumped on the bed and he pushed himself on top of me and I was frozen. I looked into Scott's eyes and he looked into mine.

"Scott? It's me Es. You don't want to hurt me." I said putting my right hand on his cheek. I saw his eyes flickering from yellow to brown. I knew he was fighting his wolfie urges right now.

"Scott, I'm always going to be here for you and I will be there till the end of the line puppy dog," I said with a smile. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact to happen. Only to get pulled into a cuddle and a protective hold.

"Thank you, Esme." Scott whispers into my ear."You're welcome," I said with a smile.

We fell asleep only to be woken up by Derek and Stiles. Scott growled at the two and covered me with his body."Esme you alright?" Derek asks gently.

"I'm fine thanks, I calmed him down although he may be slightly protective of me for some reason," I said with an awkward smile.

"Scott mind letting Esme go?" Stiles says awkwardly."No, she's mine!" Scott growls out." Scott, it's okay, they aren't going to hurt me, they never would hurt me or you," I tell him gently leaning against him.

"Guys go, he'd never harm me," I said softly smiling at them." Are you sure? As he almost attacked Max, Jackson and Allison earlier," Stiles says." I'll sure I promise," I say softly.

They leave and Scott nuzzles against me and we fall asleep together for the first time, I feel safer in my werewolf best friend's arms than Max's. Scott's touch is more gentle and kinder than Max's. 

I know Scott wouldn't hurt me in any way or form," I got you Es. Don't worry about anything else," Scott says gently. I snuggled deeper into Scott's arms and we fell into a content sleep together.


This chapter is done ✔️ next up is Wolfbane ❤️

How has season one been for you?

Want Season Two to come out?

Who loves Scott and Esme together?

I know you're all thinking well why doesn't Noah or the boys do something about the relationship and the abuse?

The simple answer is unless the victim says something they can't not do anything about it but wait for her to say something official to them.

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