👑Awakening and a hybrid👑

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*3rd Pov*

Scott held Esme in his arms." Esme?" Scott wavers." Es?" Scott's voice shakes."Why don't you take her to yours?" Derek says gently touching his shoulder."I'll take her just show me where I should take her," Roman steps forward. Scott growls lowly at Roman who doesn't take too kindly to Scott.

"Please allow me? She's my friend and theirs too," Robin says softly." Scott we got to chase after them three let her pack take her home, to my loft and you can see her there," Derek says softly touching his shoulder." S-She should be here with me, I waited for her and I shouldn't have left her to go alone," Scott says sadly.

"She spoke about you all the time," Luke spoke up." She said to wait till you meet him then you'll understand why I love him," Toni says." She loves you and she'll always be your girl," Rue says lightly touching Scott's shoulder.

"I love her, she's everything to me," Scott says softly kissing Esme's head. Scott passes Esme's body to Roman who carefully holds her."I'll take care of her I promise," Roman says.

Sarah felt like Esme was not dead but was in a coma where she was dead but reawakening and becoming something more.

"We'll stay with her, she'll never be alone so go after them," Robin says softly. Scott nodded in thanks and Esme's pack took her to Derek's loft as Derek and Scott went after Cora, Erica, and Boyd.

They all arrived at the loft and placed her on the bed and the girls cleaned the blood off Esme's body and the boys kneeled by her side as the girls did too."Guys I don't think she's dead," Sarah speaks up." I agree, she feels like she reawakening like the bites are now finally accepted in her body and she's changing," Rue nodded in agreement.

"We'll stay with her and let her wake on her own time," Robin says softly as she sits with Esme's body and strokes her hair out of the way as she stays by her side.

Derek, Isaac, and Scott were still chasing after the three betas and now have enlisted the help of Chris Argent to help capture the trio safely and without bloodshed. Chris agreed for Esme's sake as he loves her like she's his daughter.

Allison and Lydia are now living together as Chris has kicked Allison out for what she has done to an innocent teenage girl. Both girls are still banned from speaking to Esme or being near her.

Esme's heartbeat started back up slowing and everything was healing up inches by inches. Esme's friends stayed by her as Scott, Isaac, and Chris returned with the three exhausted betas.

Chris immediately ran over to Esme's body," Oh my sweet girl," Chris said softly as Scott joined his side. Scott gets into the bed and nuzzles Esme's body as Isaac joins him but notices Rue." Mate," Isaac says softly." I'm Rue," Rue says softly.

Scott scans Esme's body and notices it's healing up and her skin isn't pale anymore." Esme come on wake up," Scott tells her as Esme diamond glows and everyone notices." Everybody gets back!" Derek shouts.

(Esme Pov)

I felt like I was going into the light but something pulled me back and now I feel everything again. I feel powerful, I don't feel like I'm that Esme anymore I'm me again.

I gasped awake and I felt a power source burst out of me I stood up with my hands that had claws instead of nails. I felt my teeth had fangs and I knew that my eyes were glowing but what I didn't know was that they were glowing red.

I saw my pack, Robin, Rue, Sarah, Roman, Toni, and Luke all kneeling in front of me." Alpha," They all said in allegiance to me. I tilted my head and kneeled in front of them accepting their allegiance to me." Esme?" Scott says softly and I turn to see him and Issac standing there.

"Puppy dog? Izzy?" I asked softly." It's us," They both nodded and I ran and jumped into Scott's arms." I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to go!" I shakily cried.

"Shh, it's okay, you're home now," Scott says softly kissing my lips and calming me down. I turned to Isaac and jumped into his arms," I'm back, I'm not leaving ever again," I told him as he sobbed into my arms.

"Never again leave us," Isaac says softly. I smiled at him and I turned to see Chris standing there. I looked at Scott who nodded it's okay to hug him.

I ran to him and hugged Chris tightly as I owed him a lot." Welcome home sweet girl," Chris tells me softly." Glad to be home," I said softly smiling.

"Hey sour wolf," I said with a soft smile and Derek made his way over to me and hugged me." So what the hell am I?" I asked with a look." A witch, a chaos witch with alpha powers," Rue tells me." I'm literally Raven from Titans and an alpha, nice!" I said with a smile.

"Issac, Chris, meet Rue Black, Robin Steiner, Roman and Toni Regins, Sarah Smith, and Luke Carter. My pack and best friends," I introduced the duo to the newcomers." Chris, would you be able to take two in as a favour to me?" I asked him.

Chris nods," Chris is Allison's dad, but he saved me from my abusive ex and got rid of him for good, you can trust him," I tell them.

"Me and Sarah will go and live with him," Luke spoke up stepping forward." Alright come on then," Chris nods." Thank you for doing this for me," I tell Chris.

"You're welcome, and you were right by the way," Chris tells me." Oh?" I said with a soft look." I am a better protector than a hunter and I will honour that," Chris tells me.

"Glad to hear it," I said with a smile and I put my hand out to him which he took and we aligned ourselves making us allies now." Chris Argent is our ally and protector understood!" I said with authority making my pack nod in understanding.

"I guess Robin and Rue can come back with me and you could take in Roman and Toni?" I said to Scott." That I can do," Scott nods. Scott nuzzles against me and kisses my neck."Mine! Mine! Mine!" Scott says softly." Well, I think we need to go home and prepare for Stiles and my dad," I said softly.

I faced Derek and Isaac," How would you like to work alongside me and my pack since I'm an Alpha now?"I asked Derek as I put my hand out to him." You already know I'll work with you, you and I have each other's back," Derek says with a smile. Scott hugs me from behind," Let's go home Gem," Scott says softly kissing my neck.

I left the loft with my pack, my mate, and my protector and I headed home with my new housemates and prepared to see Stiles and my dad again. I wasn't ready for the events ahead but I was ready to do whatever it took for my pack and family.


This chapter is done ✔️ Scott and Esme's relationship blossoms as do Rue and Isaac, Robin and Stiles 🥰

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