📅The Group Date 📅

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I'm at Allison's house as Lydia is making sure I'm with her and Allison. I'm wearing simple but cute enough. Allison showed us clothes after clothes.

"Hmm pass," Lydia hummed. I stopped three shirts ago. Allison took out another shirt and showed it to us." Pass," Lydia says." Let me see," Lydia says getting up and looking at the shirts

"Pass, Pass. Uh, pass on all of it, God, Allison, respect for your taste is, uh Dwindling by the second," Lydia tells Allison before pulling out a shirt.

"This!" Lydia grins. Allison's father walks in the door, looking at a green jacket in his hands."Dad! Hello," Allison says with a look.

"Right. I'm sorry. I completely forgot to knock," Argent says."Hi, Mr. Argent," Lydia says in a flirty tone. She's just nasty like stop humping every man you see.

"Dad? Do you need something?" Allison asked."I wanted to tell you that you'll be staying in tonight," Chris tells her."What? I'm going out with my friends tonight," Allison whines.

"Not when some animal out there is attacking people," He says."Dad. Dad, I'm, uh--" Allison tries to argue."Hey, hey, hey! It's out of my hands. There's a curfew. No one's allowed out past 9:30 PM," He says.

Chris looked at me and I turned around and moved towards a corner." I'm Chris, Allison's dad. We haven't met have we?" Chris asks me.

"Esme and no we haven't," I said softly. Chris came closer and looked me over and I mean looked me over."Are you girls hungry?" Chris asks looking at us." I can make you all a sandwich?" Chris offers.

"No thanks I'm not hungry," I said shaking my head." We're good Dad," Allison says as Lydia nods." Are you sure?" Chris asks looking at me. I nodded and Chris left it alone and left the room.

"Oh and I mean it no going out," Chris says coming back. Lydia looks at Allison, "Someone's Daddy's little girl," Lydia teases."Sometimes but not tonight," Allison says before exiting out the window.

"What are you doing???" Lydia asked and we saw her doing a front flip from her porch to the ground."Eight years of gymnastics. Are you coming?" Allison asked."I'll take the stairs," Lydia says and drags me with her.

We all arrived at the bowling alley and I got to get my shoes as everyone else had already gotten theirs. Scott joined me at the desk," I'm glad we get to hang out tonight," Scott says softly." Me too Allison seems to like you, I'm happy for you," I say softly.

But my heart didn't feel the same way as the truth is Scott is someone I've always loved and wanted but never could have." I know, are you okay Es?" Scott asks gently." Stop asking that especially around here," I said softly before walking away.

Scott grabs my arm and pulls me back to him." I want to keep you safe," Scott says softly." I'm doing this so my loved ones are safe including you, so don't worry about me okay?' I said softly.

I went to Max's side as he got me his bowling balls mine was a deep dark purple ball and his bowling ball was black.

In our lane, Lydia, holding a bright pink bowling ball, is about to play her first frame and the ball ends up going straight into the gutter. Lydia fake-pouts toward Jackson and the others.

For Lydia's second attempt she does better this time, she still only knocks over the three back pins on the left-hand side.

She continues to fake-pout as she returns to the seats, where Allison, Max, me, and Scott are watching."I'm so bad at this," Lydia falsely pouts.

It's now Allison's turn, and she picks up her lilac ball and prepares to make her shot while Scott, anxiously bouncing his leg on the ball of his foot, watches her.

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