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Fynland's POV

I finished plating the food and sat the plates on the table while Cleo got the wine from the fridge

I figured me and Cleo could have dinner together since we've both been busy and haven't seen each other in a while

"How's work?" I asked as we sat down to eat

"Busy. I've been stretching myself so thin" Cleo sighed as she poured the wine in each glass

I knew she had been making frequent trips to Boston for photoshoots and filming for different group content

I wanted to ask why didn't she search LA for the same opportunities since everyone here is basically some sort of celebrity

I never asked though because I knew she really enjoyed getting to spend time with Jayson

She can deny that she likes him all she wants..I see through her like a glass of water

"I've gotta go back to Boston in 2 days to film the celebrity basketball game with Malia and Kenzie..."

"You nervous?" I asked

It's been a while since she's spoken to her step sisters

"Yeah, what are the odds that they've been selected to host too? They've been in this game for so long; what if I fuck up or make a fool of myself?" Cleo sighed

"I think all you're doing is just reading from a teleprompter and giving your opinion.. that's how most shows are filmed" I nodded

"Just pray for me" she giggled

"Now...what's going on with you and Jayson?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow

I knew she said that there was nothing going on but I was ready to challenge it

"We're friends" she nodded

"That it?"

"His life is too busy for anything else" she shrugged

I could tell she was lying to not only me but to herself

"I'm guessing that's what he told you?" I scoffed

I knew the real tea because Jaylen had already told me...

"We don't even talk about anything relationship wise. He's busy being a father and playing ball while I'm busy building my career; Neither of us have time for love." She stayed as if it were a fact

"That's how you really feel?" I challenged her

"Yeah, How else am I supposed to feel?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow and continued to eat her food

I just sipped my wine And remained silent.

Cleo was the type to tell on herself if you let her talk long enough.

"I've met the mother of his child, she was cool. " she stated

Example number one

"Is she pretty?" I asked

"Yeah but I don't see why that matters" she shrugged

"You think they still fucking?"

I just watched as Cleo shrugged

She was giving me absolutely nothing so I turned up the heat

"So...I spoke to Jaylen"

"Okay?" She said slowly

"Jayson likes you BUT you told him about your past and he's afraid of making the first move; he doesn't want you to feel rushed or like he's only being nice to you for wrong reasons" I snitched

Cleo just stared at me, shook her head, and sipped her wine

"Before you give me any of your normal excuses I just want to remind you that Jayson isn't Dominick. I understand that Life happens and everybody has a story but how long are going to let it dictate your future?" I said softly

"Thank's for the insight but I'm working on my future by not letting men get in the way of what I want anymore.. Not everyone wants or needs a relationship" Cleo said before chugging her glass of wine

"Okay...I respect it" I nodded

We finished eating and decided to catch the game on TV while we finished the last of the bottle

The game had already started and the Celtics were losing

"Where's Tatum?" I squinted

"Number 0, bottom left side" Cleo pointed out casually

I shot her a quick glance

We had literally just turned the game on, how'd she spot him so fast?

"Wake me up when they win" Cleo said before laying down on the floor

It's clear the wine had finally gotten to her

I was definitely up there with her but I wasn't anywhere near my limit

The game ended with OKC winning 127 to the Celtics 123

Every single Celtics player looked annoyed and I didn't care enough to listen to the post game commentary so I turned the channel until I found something to watch

"Ooh basketball wives" I smiled as I got up to get another bottle of wine

Before I could hit the kitchen I heard the phone ring

It clearly wasn't my phone because my ringtone was Never Change by Jay-z

I picked up Cleo's phone and seen that it was Jayson FaceTiming her phone

I contemplated on if I should answer or not but after the third ring I made up my mind

"What took you so long?" He asked as I answered the phone

"Wrong bad bitch, yours is on the floor" I said playfully

"What?" He said as he put his face in the camera

I turned the camera around  so he could see Cleo passed out

"What the hell are yall getting into?" He chuckled

"My liquor cabinet" I laughed

"I was calling to tell her that the game was over-"

"Oh we watched. She said to wake her up when y'all won...which is why she's still fast asleep" I smiled

"Don't start" he said as he shook his head

"Anyway I'll let her know you called when she's awake and sober" I stated

"Cool, thanks" he said before hanging up

I headed to the kitchen to get my other bottle of wine then walked back into the living room to wake Cleo up

"Cleo, hey" I said as I lightly shook her

"Shhhhh" she said as she rolled over

"Go lay in the guest room because I don't wanna hear how much pain your back is gonna be in later on"

Cleo groaned as she stood up

"Oh and Jayson called"

Cleo just nodded as she picked up her phone and headed upstairs

One day when her and Jayson get married I want the biggest slice of wedding cake because I'm calling it now .....

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