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                  Grace's POV

"You cooking?" king asked as I continued to make breakfast

Funny how he thought I made enough food for him to have any

If he was on fire I wouldn't spit on him to put him out

I kept my mouth shut and continued to cook

"Listen, I know Jayson told you" he said as he sat at the island in the kitchen

I decided to open my mouth for the first time since we got back from Boston

"Told me what?" I asked as I cut the stove off

"About raven" he sighed

"Who's raven?" I played dumb

"My uh, my new client" he replied


"Oh okay" I said as I cut the stove back on and continued cooking

I heard footsteps behind me

"I got an hour before I gotta go.." king said as he kissed my neck

"Well I'm cooking" I said plainly

"What's really the issue?" He asked me as he spun me around roughly

"I don't have an issue, leave me alone" I said as my phone started to ring

I moved past king and answered the phone

"Hello?..yes this is she..perfect! Can we schedule it for 2:30? Perfect; thank you so much" I said before hanging up

"Who was that?" He asked

"My job" I lied

It was really the realtor that Cleo put me in touch with

At first I wasn't gonna use the number; hell I wasn't even gonna leave

After I saw the screenshots I was irritated and decided I wanted to talk it out with him but after seeing the Instagram post I was over it

He lied to me multiple times, let me make all types of post praising him, let me spend my hard earned money on him, and even let me introduce him to my sister and her friends...all of that just to have me looking stupid

As soon as we got back I set up a doctors appointment and I am indeed pregnant

I wasn't only thinking of myself; I was thinking of my child

I can pick the man I choose to have children with but my child can't pick their father

If he can't do right by me; a woman he's supposed to love then he's definitely not gonna do right by my baby

I want what my sister has.

A good man, a nice little family, a job she loves, and a good circle of friends

Ive got everything BUT a good man

I have enough money to buy a small house in full and that's what I'm gonna do

I loved the house in the pictures and hopefully it's just as pretty in person

I ate my breakfast and watched TV in silence

"I'll see you after my studio session" king said before kissing my forehead and leaving

I never replied

I knew I should be sad or even angry with all the shit happening right now but I was oddly at peace

The more I thought about our relationship the more I realized how incompatible we really were

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