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Jayson's POV

"I think we all did really well today and I'm glad to see everybody putting their best foot forward to take that win home" I said as I finished my media

All I wanted to do was go home.

Deuce didn't feel well so Cleo stayed home with him meaning I was here by myself

"Hey" I heard a female voice say from behind me

I'm tired of talking to people man

I turned around expecting another reporter but by what she had on I knew that wasn't the case

She had on an all pink track suit and pink sunglasses

I assumed she was a fan so I tried not to come off as rude.

The last thing I needed was bad publicity

"Congrats on the win" she smiled

"Thanks" I nodded

"Mind if I get a picture?" She asked

I shook my head and stood next to her

She was way to close to me so I backed up a little as she took the picture with her

"I'm Alyssa by the way" she smiled as she stuck her hand out

There was cameras all around and as much as I wanted to tell her I didn't care what her name was I knew I couldn't

"I hope you don't mind but I really need to get going, it was nice meeting you" I said before walking away

"You'll be seeing more of me!" I heard her call out

I shivered at her nasty seductive tone

I don't like the way she spoke to me at all

"Groupies are strange" I said to myself as I headed into the tunnel

I quickly got changed then jogged all the way to my car and called Cleo as soon as I got into the driver seat

I listened to the phone ring as I put my seatbelt on

"Hello?" Cleo answered

She sounded all stuffy like she had either been crying or was sick like Deuce

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, we just finished watching the lion king..the movie gets to me" she giggled

Oh thank goodness

"How's Deuce?" I asked as I drove home

"His fever is completely gone and Riah brought over some weird nostril flushing contraption; she showed me how to use it just in case his nose gets stuffy." She stated

"Where is he?"

"In my arms...answer my FaceTime call" she giggled

I clicked accept as I stopped at a red light

Deuce was snuggled against her chest and rolled in his Celtics blanket

"Daddy's on the phone" she said as she moved the camera enough for him to see me

All he did was blink a couple times then close his eyes completely

He didn't seem to care that I was on the phone at all; that's how sick he was

"Riah said it's just a cold and he should be fine within a week as long as he gets his cough medicine" Cleo said as she brought the camera back up to her face

I knew it was just a cold but I hated seeing him so miserable like that

"The coughing stopped, the fevers gone, and he's back to eating regularly...I think he's just tired now" she smiled

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