3 - Whispers of the Past

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Alex opened the door to her apartment, the weight of the gallery event evident in her tired eyes. The day had taken its toll, and she sank onto the sofa, replaying the confrontation with Steve in her mind.

The air inside held a peculiar stillness, as if the very walls echoed the weariness that clung to her every step. The dim glow of a lone lamp cast long shadows, creating a play of light and darkness that mirrored the conflicting emotions within her. 

The scent of a half-forgotten candle, long extinguished, lingered faintly, intermingling with the aroma of yesterday's takeout containers. The living room, usually a haven of comfort, now felt like a silent witness to the tumultuous events of the day. The worn-out cushions on the sofa seemed to sag under the weight of shared laughter turned to echoes of an unraveling relationship. As Alex sank into the cushions, the heaviness of the day seeped into the very fabric of her surroundings, turning the once-familiar space into a somber sanctuary.

The sudden ring of her phone shattered the heavy silence, jolting Alex out of her contemplation. Each ring seemed to reverberate through the quiet, accentuating the weight on her shoulders.

Anna's name flashed on the screen, and Alex's thumb hovered, a brief hesitation before she decided to answer. "Hey, Anna," she greeted, her voice betraying the fatigue she felt.

"Hey, where are you? I thought we were going to grab a drink after the gallery event?" Anna's cheerful voice came through the phone, breaking the heavy silence.

"Oh, right, right. I totally forgot," Alex admitted, her mind still wrapped in the remnants of the emotional roller coaster from the gallery. "Anna, I'm sorry. It's been a challenging day, and I just needed to come home and unwind."

A pause hung in the air, and Anna sensed something amiss. "Is everything okay? You sound different. Something on your mind?"

Alex sighed, appreciating Anna's sensitivity as she replied, "Yeah, it's just been a bit overwhelming. I'll fill you in, but I'd rather do it face-to-face. Let's catch up over coffee soon?"

Anna, her curly hair framing a face full of concern, tactfully sensed Alex's desire for solitude, respecting the unspoken request for a moment to unravel the complexities of the day. "Of course, Alex. Let's look for a date later in the week."

Alex offered a grateful smile, even though Anna couldn't see it through the phone. "Thanks."

After ending the call, Alex sank into the comfort of her own space. The day still weighed heavily on her as she sat curled up on her sofa, absentmindedly scrolling through her phone. 

While getting up to get a glass of wine, she revisits the events of the past weeks. Steve loomed in her thoughts like an unwelcome guest, casting a shadow over her day. The memories played like a haunting movie, the opening scenes filled with laughter and shared jokes, Steve's charm concealing the tempest ahead. As her fingers danced on the screen, her own reflection stared back, and a wave of anger surged within her as she thought back on how her relationship with Steve had ended.

How dare he do this to me? No, actually he's not to blame, how could I not seen him for who he was earlier?  How could I've been so blind. The little gifts, his overly attentive behavior, they were all little give away's. I'm so over it!

This is the last time I want to see his face turning up in front of me. If there is going to be a next time, I'm going to hit him in the face. Incredible that he thinks that we can move past this. As if!

Especially since he dared to point fingers at me! So what that I've been a bit more absent during the week, the nights and the weekends made more than up for it. He made it sound that I was so preoccupied with work, that I totally neglected our relationship, or better - that I neglected him. The moment he said that, my stomach turned. Not just because he thought that justified screwing my colleague, but also explaining like it was justified because his ego got bruised, it made me doubt my skills to read people. Was this someone I actually choose to spend my time with? 

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