Chapter 9

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Jay flew as swiftly as he could towards King's Landing, with only a vague notion that it lay between the sea and a merging river. His target was Blackwater Bay. As he neared, he spotted armies with the banners of the North, Baratheons, and Arryn in the distance, all marching towards King's Landing. Additionally, he noticed the Lannister army stationed at the gates of the city. Before he could become a nuisance to Tywin Lannister, Jay decided to approach the silent wolf within the marching Northern army.

As the silent wolf, Ned Stark, led his bannermen and their allied forces towards King's Landing, a deafening roar from the sky sent tremors through the ground. Horses panicked, and the marching armies came to a sudden halt. They gazed upward in fear, and their hearts pounded as they witnessed a massive comet, cloaked in black flames, descending towards the earth.

From the fiery inferno emerged Jay, the colossal black dragon, who flew closer to the ground, casting a shadow of dread over the men below. Their scattered ranks bore witness to his sheer size and majesty, and fear coursed through them as they realized, "The dragons have returned."
Jay's eyes landed on Ned Stark, and he guessed the man's identity. As Ned Stark and the other lords watched in awe and terror, their eyes wide with disbelief, they all shared a single thought: "The dragons are back."

With that, Jay soared back into the sky. He had achieved his goal of seeing the honorable but idiot Ned Stark before his death, and now it was time to confront Tywin Lannister.

As Tywin Lannister's army of twelve thousand men stood at the gates of King's Landing, he professed his loyalty to King Aerys Targaryen. While Varys advised the king to keep the gates locked, Aerys chose to heed Grand Maester Pycelle's counsel and opened the gates for Tywin's forces. Once inside the city, the men from the westerlands began to ransack and plunder King's Landing.

However, as the grim realization dawned that the city was lost, Aerys issued a horrifying command. He ordered his pyromancer, Rossart, to set fire to the hidden caches of wildfire throughout the city, intending to leave nothing behind but "ashes and bones." He then turned to his Kingsguard, Jaime Lannister, the only knight present, and commanded him to assassinate Tywin and bring his head to Aerys.

Instead of obeying this cruel order, Jaime confronted Rossart and slew him. Upon realizing that Aerys would simply give the same order to another pyromancer, Jaime turned back to the Red Keep, determined to end Aerys's madness once and for all.

But in that fateful moment, as Westerland soldiers continued to flood into King's Landing, an earth-shattering roar pierced the air. Both attackers and defenders turned their eyes to the source of the deafening sound. At first, they saw only a distant speck in the sky, but it swiftly grew, taking the form of an enormous shadow.

With a mighty exhalation of black flames, Jay the dragon emerged from the fiery inferno. He unleashed his terrible power upon the Lannister army and their bannermen, engulfing them in his relentless flames. The very earth trembled as he wrought fiery devastation, reducing many to ashes.

In the midst of this chaos, even some of the city guards met a fiery end by accident, caught in the dragon's relentless assault.

Tywin Lannister could only watch in horror as his once formidable army was reduced to naught but ashes by Jay's unstoppable onslaught. The sight was beyond anything he had ever imagined, a dragon materializing out of thin air to singlehandedly obliterate his forces.

His hands trembled with fear, and he felt a cold sweat breaking out on his brow, the world seemed to blur as he witnessed the relentless torrent of black flames. The torrent of black flames seemed to consume everything in its path. Jay's destruction halted, leaving Tywin to grasp the gravity of the situation.

With a powerful beat of his wings, Jay ascended to the top of the Red Keep, leaving devastation in his wake. The ancient stronghold groaned and crumbled beneath the force of his landing. There, atop the shattered remains, Jay unfurled his massive wings, a proclamation of his dominance echoed by a deafening roar that resounded through the beleaguered city, declaring himself as the king of the moment.

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