Chapter 18

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As they drew nearer to the capital city, an emergency alarm bell rang out, causing panic within the city's walls. The city gates began to close just as Bahamut and the others approached. During their journey, Bahamut had used his magic to transfer the knowledge he had gained from the lone traveler to Elia and her children. He did this while they were resting on the shore before reaching the city. When they awoke, they were astonished to find that they now understood the local language, which had previously been alien to them. This revelation left Elia even more terrified, as it made her believe that if a dragon could perform such feats, then the bedtime stories of her youth might also be real.

Currently, all the Naathi people and Elia were dressed in luxurious attire that Bahamut had obtained during his attack on the ships. These outfits were more presentable to the people of the city who lived in houses made of solid gold and dined on sweetmeats powdered with pearls and jade. The city gates were towering structures, even taller than Bahamut himself. As they approached, Bahamut noticed long-range artillery weapons positioned on the top of the city walls. He called down his young dragons to be closer to him in the sky, and they obeyed his command.

The warriors of Yi Ti remained tense as they gazed at the giant beast before them, unable to believe that such a creature existed in their world. During their journey to the city, Bahamut instructed Elia to maintain an aura of queenliness and asked her to speak with the representatives of Yin City until he signaled for her to step back. Although she was hesitant at first, she had no choice and wanted to set an example as a model mother for her children.

Elia proceeded with grace and dignity, every step carrying the regal aura of a queen. Her presence was as elegant as any woman Bahamut had ever seen in this world. She walked between Bahamut's massive limbs, each step filled with grace and purpose. Bahamut moved forward in tandem with Elia, creating an even more intimidating spectacle for the city guards and higher-ups who watched in awe.

The other four young dragons advanced alongside Bahamut, matching his pace. The city dwellers observed the graceful woman walking with dragons at her back, and to them, she seemed like a sorceress. Then, Elia abruptly halted her steps and fixed her gaze on a man who appeared to be the special among forces stationed on the city wall. She spoke in their language, which sounded stilted to the man and everyone else on the city wall. They couldn't comprehend how this woman, who was clearly not from their region, could suddenly speak their language so fluently. Unbeknownst to them, Bahamut employed his magic to ensure that everyone could hear her.

Elia addressed them calmly, and her words reached the ears of everyone in the city. She said, "Warriors of Yi Ti, I come in peace, seeking an audience with your ruler as a friend and ally." Her request hung in the air, leaving the city in a state of wonder and anticipation.

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