Chapter 48

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The night in Kings Landing was abruptly interrupted by the thunderous roar of Bahamut, shaking the city awake even from the deepest slumber. The mighty dragon descended, landing near the yard of Maegor Holdfast, taking a moment to survey the city for any changes since his last visit. However, Bahamut sensed the presence of magic that he despised—the unmistakable aura of the Red God's followers.

Summoning Aegon with urgency, Bahamut's call echoed through the night. Aegon, along with all the generals and sorcerers, swiftly gathered, bowing and greeting in unison, "Greetings, Lord Bahamut." The dragon wasted no time in getting to the point, expressing his displeasure, "I felt the magic of the Red God. Search for any priestess or priest in Kings Landing. I want them as soon as possible."

Aegon, felt Bahamut's disdain for the followers of the Red God, hesitantly informed him, "Lord Bahamut, there happens to be someone from Asshai as our guest. She seems to speak of a prophecy similar to ours." Bahamut, with a sense of certainty, knew who the guest was based on the timeline of events—it was Melisandre.

In response, Bahamut commanded, "Bring her here." The generals swiftly issued orders to their men to locate Melisandre, but to their surprise, she had already arrived, drawn by the powerful presence of the dragon. Standing before Bahamut, Melisandre felt an unusual sensation.

Bahamut, towering over them with his immense presence, turned his piercing gaze toward Melisandre as she stood before him, draped in red robes that seemed to dance with the flicker of flames.

Melisandre, confident in her faith, met Bahamut's gaze with unwavering determination. "Lord Bahamut," she began, her voice carrying the weight of conviction, "I am Melisandre, a servant of the Red God. I bring His light and follow His prophecies. I mean no harm to you or your people.".

Bahamut, his scales reflecting the moonlight, responded with a rumble that echoed through the night. "Red Priestess, I have felt the presence of your magic, and I abhor the influence of the Red God. What business do you have in Westeros?"

Melisandre, standing firm, explained, "I have come to Westeros to fulfill a prophecy, one that speaks of a great power rising to challenge the darkness. It is a destiny intertwined with the very fabric of this world.".

Bahamut's voice echoed, reverberating through the air, "Your Lord of Light is nothing but a false god, a demon who thrives on the suffering and sacrifice of innocent lives. And your prophecies matter little to me. ".

Melisandre, her eyes ablaze with conviction, asserted, "Death by fire is pure death. It purifies the soul and brings forth rebirth. Our sacrifices are made for a greater purpose, to ensure the survival of the realms of men.".

Bahamut snorted, a plume of smoke rising from his nostrils, "Survival built on the corpses of the innocent is no survival at all. Your faith is a cancer that spreads suffering and darkness. I will not allow it to fester in my kingdom.".

In an instant, Bahamut unleashed a burst of flame, surrounding Melisandre. The sorcerers and generals watched in silence as the red priestess, engulfed in the dragon's fiery wrath, uttered her last words, "The flames... they reveal... the coming of... the true savior.".

Bahamut, his anger unquenched, spoke with finality, "Your flames are nothing but lies. I wish to know if my flames would be merciful.".

With that, the fiery inferno consumed Melisandre, leaving behind nothing but ashes. The generals and sorcerers, though uneasy, dared not question the Dragon King's judgment. The night was still, the air thick with the scent of burnt sacrifice, as Bahamut turned away from the smoldering remains, his wrath momentarily satisfied.

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