Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Trent kept telling me I should leave and I kept ignoring him.  Maddy came back and looked surprised to see me there.  She said her goodbyes then traipsed her way out.  Trent and I had dinner together and watched some B-list horror movie. Trent laughed and made fun of my as I would hide my head at the obviously fake gory scenes.

"Why are we watching this?" I groaned as I heard a chainsaw and buried my face in Trent's shoulder.

"Ow," Trent groaned. "That's still tender." he laughed as he massaged it lightly.

"Change the channel. Please?" I asked, my voice muffled by his hospital gown.

"I told you to go home hours ago."

"And I told you no hours ago." I countered as I heard and overly dramatic scream. I pulled my head up and peeked at him. "You can't possibly be enjoying this."

"Why not?"

"I think you're just watching this because I don't want to."

"Mikaela," Trent said seriously. "You really should go home today."

"What's he got over you? Are you worried he's going take away the company you've fought your whole life for? Are you worried he's going to take something from me? Because let me tell you, he's already threatened that. Your father's a manipulative man. And just because I won't listen to him doesn't mean they're aren't greedy people who will." Trent's eyes met mine. "If you're doing this to protect me, you can't. Your father doesn't play fair. He's a cheater. And he plays for keeps. The only way to beat him is to outsmart him at his own game."

"What happened?"

"My director has been bought. He is the reason I told you not to come to the aquarium. I was trying to protect you because he wanted to extort you. There was no way I was going to let that happen. My team still doesn't know all the details. The reason I've been meeting with Katrina is to take him down legally. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want anyone else to be dragged down if I failed."

Trent's hand cupped my face and he stared at me for a long moment before he leaned in and kissed me softly. "We still have to get a divorce." he said sadly.


"Because if we don't, you will not be safe. You will live the rest of your life looking over your shoulder. My father has some vendetta against you. I won't bring his wrath upon you. No matter what."

I nodded understanding. "I see what you're saying. Understand that doesn't mean I agree. But that doesn't mean you can protect me from him. You understand that, right?"

"If I do what he wants, he'll leave you alone."

"No he won't, Trent. He's a bully. When you listen to a bully their demands just get bigger. But I might have an idea."

I explained my idea and Trent was staring at me. "I think I've created a monster." He teased. "You were already a genius when I met you, but I think I turned you evil."

I shrugged. "It was bound to happen sooner or later. You can only kick a person so many times." I smiled at Trent. "This could work."

Trent nodded. "I'd never suspect it." Trent admitted. "Especially from you of all people."

"I should get going. Do you need anything before I leave?"

"Just be okay." Trent smiled. "Be safe."

I gave him a small smile and headed out. The media had called down, but there were always a few photographers and people asking for a statement. I'd been silent since the day Trent arrived at the hospital.

I headed straight to my car and once I got there, I called Katrina and Nikki. The three of us were going to meet at Nikki's place.

Katrina was going to handle everything that needed to be handled from the legal side and Nikki would help me from the PR side. I was incredibly grateful to have these two as friends I could count on at this particular moment. Tomorrow would be a mess. I was sure about it. No one else could know. Just the four of us.

I felt bad keeping my team in the dark, but it had to be done.

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