Chapter 62

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Alright ladies and gents,  I guess my last message wasn't received.  I will update when I can, I promise.  This weekend, I got to go home for the first time in nearly 2 years and that was awesome so, I am sitting in the airport using their wifi posting and my flight is boarding so I'll edit and add on the teaser after I'm home.  I promise you're all loved I just love my family a little more.  Anywhoosers, enjoy my darlings!!! <3

Chapter 62

"Mikaela, why won't you tell me what happened between you and Trent?" My mother badgered.

"Mom, I promise, it will make sense eventually." I promised. "I can't explain it right now."

"Baby, I can see you're lonely. I just worry."

"I know. It won't last forever." I promised as my mother engulfed me in a hug.

"Did he cheat on you?"


"I know you didn't cheat."

"No," I laughed. "No, that didn't happen either."

"A lot of the papers are saying you're pregnant. You two did get married very suddenly."

"Mom, if I'd been pregnant when we got married, don't you think you'd be able to tell?" I pointed out.

"Not if something happened and you lost it." my mother consoled. "And you wouldn't tell me if you did."

I felt a pang of guilt at that. "Mom, I am not now pregnant, nor have I ever been. If that ever happens, I promise to tell you. Okay?"

My mother sighed. "A mother just worries."

"I know. We're very different people. We handle things differently. I know."

"You know I love you, right?"

"Of course, Mom! And I love you too. We just show it in different ways. I hope you never doubt that."

"I don't. But I wouldn't complain if you were going to give me some grandkids soon." Mom half-teased.

"Katie can have kids too." I pointed out.

"She's just a baby herself! How could she take care of a baby when she still expects us to feed her?"

"She's in the next room!" Katie shouted.

Mom and I both laughed. "Can't blame her for telling the truth."

"You're one to talk." Katie snapped as she came into the kitchen. "You still won't tell anyone about what happened with you and Trent."

"I will, just not right now. Besides, what does or doesn't happen in my marriage and divorce is really between Trent and me."

"What are you going to do with all that money?"

"Nothing. So far as I'm concerned it's not mine."

"Are you serious?" Katie asked, her jaw dropping.

"Completely. I didn't earn it, it's not mine."

"You're insane." Katie shook her head. "If I'd won $250 million I would definitely be going on a shopping spree. Get a fancy new car, a new wardrobe, the works. You know, the least you could do if give yourself a make-over."

I glared at Katie. "Two things, first off, there is nothing wrong with the way I look. In fact, I happen to like it. Second, I've already told you what I intend to do with that money."

"You could at least spread the love." Katie sulked.

"Katie, my marriage to Trent was never ever about money. I hope you understand that."

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