Chapter 24

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Thanks for your patience!  For those of you who are not fans, my old computer took a dump and I had to get a new one.  I'm not sure if any of the files are retrieveable, but I'm hopeful.  This meant that I had to rewrite this, I haven't had the chance to edit yet, but I hope you enjoy!

Also, I dedicated this to rowlandsmith because I have absolutely loved reading your comments.  Thanks for being a great reader!  


Chapter 24

I woke up to incessant ringing of my alarm clock.  I glanced at the blurry red lights and stretched.  

“Turn it off,” Trent whined.

“I’m getting up,” I sighed as I tried to get up, but Trent’s arm tightened around my waist.  

“But I’m comfortable,”

“But I have to get up.  Besides, if I don’t, it won’t shut up,”

“Ugh, fine!” Trent groaned as he slowly released me.  I got out of bed and shut off my alarm.  I had to get caught up on all of my work at the aquarium.  I grabbed a pair of jeans and an aquarium t-shirt.  I went to go wash my face and get ready.  When I went to leave there was Trent holding a steaming mug of coffee.  

“Why do you have to leave so early?”

“Because I didn’t have enough time yesterday.” I replied as I pulled on a pair of trainers.  “And I don’t want the director riding me butt.” 

“If anyone gets to do that, it should be me.” Trent smirked.

“Shut up,” I rolled my eyes.  “It is way to early for sexual innuendoes.”

“In your end oh,” Trent teased.  “Is this coffee any good?” 

I took a sip.  His skills were improving.  “Getting better.” I answered honestly.  “And stop being immature.” I warned.

“Wait two minutes, I’ll drive you.” Trent offered as he stole my keys off the wall.

“Why do you need to drive me?”

“Because then I get to come pick you up.”

“You’re weird.”

“You love it.”

“In your dreams.  Hurry up, I need to get an early start.” I called as I took another grateful gulp of coffee.  Seriously, anyone who doesn’t understand that this is the closest we get to ambrosia needs help.  

“Ready to go?” Trent asked.  He was wearing a pair of sweatpants that hung low on his hips and threw on flip flops.  

“You aren’t going to wear a shirt?”

“Why bother?  It gives you something to look at.” Trent teased as he pulled me against him.  “Sooner or later I’m going to see you without a shirt on too.  Come on,” Trent gave me a quick kiss and pulled away faster than I would have liked.  A fact I did not want to admit to.  Trent pulled me by the hand to his car.  

“Why do you want to drive me in the mornings?  Don’t you want to sleep in?”

“Sleeping in is great,” Trent admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck.  “But I’d rather get up and take you than sleep in that bed alone.”

The Arrangementजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें