Chapter Eight: Whispers in the Dark

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The 8th of Yaesoot, 1428


It wasn't long after I woke up that I made it to Clairwood. When I got to the town, the villagers were preparing for some sort of celebration. Wreaths and garlands hung from every building and post. Windows were filled with flowers, and everyone was wearing colorful clothes. I had dismounted and was pulling Duke down the street by his reins. Everyone I passed was staring at me. At first, I thought it was because I was a stranger in town, but then I realized it was because of my appearance. I still wore the jacket and cloak I received from the guild in the Dark Forest. At my sides were duel short-blades, weapons only used by...a certain type of warrior. I stopped paying attention to the people around me and started focusing on the reason I was even in town, I had to find Madame Alisandra. 

Shortly, I came across a tavern that doubled as an inn. I tied the reins of Duke to a rail outside and went ahead inside. It was the same as the tavern in Avenbranch, with nearly nobody around except the taverner. "Can I help you sir?" the taverner said.

I sat on a stool at the bar. "Yes, I'm looking for a Madame Alisandra. I was told she would be around this area," I said.

The taverner leaned closer to me. "If you're looking for Madame Alisandra then you need to speak to Gesta," he whispered.

"Who's Gesta?" I asked.

The taverner scoffed. "I don't think he'd be interested in dealing with your kind," he said.

I sighed and pulled out my medallion. "I'm sure he would."

The taverner looked nervous once I brought out the medallion. He nodded to the back of the tavern. "Down the hall, last room to your right," he said.

I stood and headed down the hall to a door that was blocked by a very large man. The man took one look at me and then immediately stepped to the side. He opened the door and let me in. The room was slightly more lit than the hallway, but it still had that eerie feeling. There was a circular table in the middle of the room with a few chairs, the man inside invited me to sit, and I reluctantly did so. 

"So, what does Arthur need to know?" the man, whom I now assumed was Gesta, sat across from me.

"Um...we need information on a woman named Madame Alisandra." I tried to make myself sound convincing.

"That old woman? What has she done to acquire a bounty?" he said.

"That's the business of the guild, not you. We just need to talk to her," I said.

Gesta stared at me queerly, his eyes narrowed and focused on me. I felt a twinge of sweat rolling down my neck. He was onto me. "You look familiar," he said.

I didn't expect him to say that. "I-I do."

"Yes, but I can't place where I've seen your eyes before." He sat back against the chair. "You can find Madame Alisandra by the river. Just head to the river and travel north. You'll eventually run into her wagon," he said.

I breathed a sigh of relief. "All right, that's all I needed to know." I stood and headed toward the door. 

I had to get out of there before he realized I wasn't who I said I was. I left the room and hastily made my way out of the tavern. Once I was outside, I mounted Duke and headed toward the river.



When I woke up, it was very early, and the sun had just risen. The fire was dying, and everyone was asleep, even Doc who was supposed to keep watch had fallen into a deep slumber. I got up and threw a few more branches onto the fire and then walked over to where the horses were tied. I walked over to Daniel's horse, the one I had ridden the previous day. She was a beautiful white mare with a gray mane and grey spots. I was stroking her snout when I heard another noise. 

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