Chapter Nine: Meeting Madame

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The 8th of Yaesoot, 1428


Once I left the tavern, I headed straight toward the river. For a moment I thought I would have to cross the river again, but I found Madame Alisandra's wagon right on the riverbank. I dismounted Duke and slowly approached the wagon. 

"Can I help you?" I was startled by a voice coming from behind. 

I turned around and saw an old Fairlin woman in colorful apparel staring at me. "You must be Madame Alisandra," I said.

"Who's asking?" She didn't seem friendly.

"My name is Peter. I'm looking for Prince Joseph's map and I've been told you know where to find it," I said.

A small smile spread across her face. "Your eyes are remarkable for an Esronian." She laughed. "I will gladly help you, come inside." 

I followed the old woman inside the wagon and glanced around, many strange trinkets were hanging from the walls and the ceiling. I'd never seen anything resembling them before, which made the atmosphere a bit uneasy. Madame asked me to sit at the table and I did so hesitantly. "So, you wish to know where the map is." She set a kettle on the table.

"Yes, do you know where it is?" I wanted to know whether or not I was wasting my time by being here.

"Be patient, I will tell you." She set a tankard in front of me and poured tea from the kettle into it. "So, you seek great fortune?" she said questioningly.

I nodded. "It's a treasure, what else would I be looking for." I was becoming slightly annoyed by all these riddles.

"There is much more than gold on the mountaintop." She smirked. "But since you are only interested in the gold, then that is what I will tell of." She unrolled a map on the table. "The map is hidden...very well," she said slowly.

"But where is it?" I tried not to seem harsh, but I didn't want to lose my chance at getting the map.

She held out her hand. "All information must come at a price," she said.

I sighed. "I don't have much, I'm sorry. I wouldn't be looking for the treasure if I did."

She chuckled. "I don't want your silver. I want a lock of your hair and I want to see your compass." She extended her hand further.

I was slightly freaked out by the request, but it was probably the cheapest way I could get the information I needed. I pulled out one of my short blades and sliced off a lock of black hair. "Here, will that do?"

She took the hair and placed it in a glass vial. Then she took the compass and opened it. She turned around, so I didn't see what she did with it. All I knew was that she dropped something else in the glass vial.

"Before I can tell you where the map is, you must answer a question." She stared at me with her pale faded eyes, making me uncomfortable. "This it worth the life it will cost you?" She spoke cryptically.

I thought for a moment. "Well, the life I have isn't all that great. So...yes, it is worth it."

She laid a finger on the map on the table. "This is where you will find Prince Joseph's map." I turned my attention to the map and looked for the spot where she was pointing. Frost Forest. The coldest and most desolate place in all Avaline.

"Before you go, drink this. It will be cold in the forest, this should keep you warm." She pointed at the tankard.

I was hesitant to pick the drink up. I have seen dark sorcery at play in the forest, and I didn't want to get caught up in anything like it.

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