Epilogue: The Court of Exiles

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I hurried back to the courtroom with Kathon and Arthur. The Queen of the Exiles had ordered me to bring them to her for a personal task. I opened the tall, bejeweled doors and approached her throne. Arthur and Kathon pushed past me and knelt before her.

"Hail my queen! You have summoned us, so what is your demand?" Arthur said.

The queen waved me to her side, and I stood next to her. "I have a task that will require both of your skill sets," she said. "I have received news that someone is journeying to Ava Mountain. They must not make it."

Arthur smirked. "Of course, my queen. We will hasten away and find them," he said.

The queen stood and handed them something I could not see. "Kill them at once and bring me the bodies. All spoils they possess will be yours," she said.

"Yes, my queen. We will return within the month." Kathon said.

"Oh, I'm sure you will." Rothan appeared from the shadows, Parsha, his pet owl, on his shoulder.

"My dear advisor, how late you are." The queen approached him. "Where are the trespassers now?" She demanded.

Rothan smiled slyly. "One of them is in the forest now, and the others are close behind."

The queen turned back to Arthur. "Go now and be sure to catch them and make them pay."

The two rogues left the room to begin their journey.

The queen returned to her throne. "Rothan, do you know the identities of these people who travel to the Mountain?"

Rothan laughed. "I'm afraid such secrets cannot be found out."

The queen sighed. "Why must you speak in riddles? Never mind then, just see to it that the task is finished. Have your pets follow and keep a close eye on them," she said.

Rothan shooed the bird on his shoulder away. "Don't fret, mistress, they will ensure the plan is fulfilled," he smirked.

Even though this wasn't the first time someone had tried to journey to the mountaintop and release its secrets, it was the first time Rothan returned pleased with his findings. Before when he went after the travelers, he would return in anger and confirm their death by his pets. Now he seemed almost gleeful that these travelers were still around and that his pets did not exterminate them. I could only hope that this meant what I had long hoped for. The age of darkness would soon be over.

~To Be Continued~

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